1st time out for Antelope
8/19/07 4:46pm
Opener was wednesday, today(sunday) 1st time out.
Today went out hunting pronghorn. Walked out seen nothing then went out to the truck. A guy past by and said he missed a average buck at 40 yards.We went out again except with my decoy. We seen a nice buck with 2 does. The buck was really curious but the does thought there was something was up. They starting walking off and stopped and looked back again. We tried to walk after them but they kept going and stop to look. They were gone so we went back to the truck. We walked the road and seen a buck bedded 80 yards from the road. My dad tried to sneak up to it but when 60 yards to it stood up, looked for about 2 min... then ran.
This week we are going to give it hell. But friday night we leave for elk hunting.
Today went out hunting pronghorn. Walked out seen nothing then went out to the truck. A guy past by and said he missed a average buck at 40 yards.We went out again except with my decoy. We seen a nice buck with 2 does. The buck was really curious but the does thought there was something was up. They starting walking off and stopped and looked back again. We tried to walk after them but they kept going and stop to look. They were gone so we went back to the truck. We walked the road and seen a buck bedded 80 yards from the road. My dad tried to sneak up to it but when 60 yards to it stood up, looked for about 2 min... then ran.
This week we are going to give it hell. But friday night we leave for elk hunting.

8/20/07 5:42am
well it is tough to stlk them with a bow but it can be done just keep at it and you will become a better hunter

8/20/07 8:48pm
Keep it up Youngbuck and good luck!

8/22/07 8:50pm
bowhunting and stalking antelopes is tough but can be done, you only succed if you keep trying.

8/22/07 9:43pm
I hunted 20+ straight days before I connected on my first archery antelope buck,never even had a shot opportunity till then,get out there and keep after em!