2 Hunter deaths in Utah on opening day.

DANG not good, BE CAREFUL out there guys/gals!!

2 hunters dead on opening day in Utah.

1 accidental gun went off and one apparently due to weather and medical conditions. :>/ :>/


Not good at all. Let's all be safe out there kids. Thanks for the info Brett.
Wow read the message board on ksl.
"gilamonster8" wrote:Wow read the message board on ksl.
Yeah, everyone has an opinion, even though nobody knows what really happened yet. Accidents do happen, it doesn't mean he or anyone else was drinking (as stated on the KSL message board), and I hate it when people go off on how "guns are evil". If someone gets hit by a car does that make cars evil? Most accidents are avoidable, however there are some that cannot be avoided. Could this accident have been avoided? We may never know. Sure if he had stayed home it would have been avoided, however he was out doing something he (apparently) loved to do. It's a risk every one of us (hunters) takes every year no matter what season or weapon we hunt. All we can do is make sure we keep safety first and foremost in our minds, and hope everyone on the mountain with us has the same attitude.

One of the problems with accidents is people need someone or something to blame. Sometimes I think people would blame it on what a person had for breakfast if it would make them feel better.

This is a very sad situation and my heart goes out to the family and friends involved.
wow and heres a quote from one of the morons on there. i dont see how they could have so much love for a animal then wish something like this on there own kind a HUMAN. heres what the idiot said

"I hope the rest of the 60000 hunters that are killing deers die this new seasons in that kind of accidents so we go to have less stupid people doing this the next year and more deers to see in ours mountains. "

this person just makes me sick
Who are they calling stupid? Maybe they would like to come and say that face to face rather than hiding behind that computer. You dont disgrace someone who has passed away like that, and you dont say you wish for the rest of us to die the same way. Have some respect and decency.
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well that one good way to go, if its your time, out doing what you love. its too bad but it could be worse. i wish all the best for the family i cant even think of finding my dad dead.
Thats too bad. it could happen anywhere. My condolences to the family.