20/20 News Show Discussion of Gun Control Laws
5/7/07 10:43pm
Over the weekend, the news show 20/20 talked about whether or not it's a myth that gun control laws reduce violent crime.
John Stossell did a great report, and made it quite clear that it doesn't ever help, and nearly always increases crime to take guns out of the hands of the citizens. He said that since Washington passed its strict gun control laws in about 1976, their gun violence has gone WAY up while the national averages have decreased slightly. They also said that murder rates are the highest in the nation in those stats that have the most strict gun control laws.
They also talked about a book that studied the subject (wish I would have written down the title), that said they couldn't find a SINGLE instance where the passing of a gun control law ever reduced violent crime rates!
They interviewed criminals in prison that largely said that they really had no fear of the police, but that they really feared the average armed citizen. They laughed about gun control laws affecting them in the slightest. It was really a great story, and the media did a commendable job of covering the subject in an unbiased fashion, and the results completely sided with citizen gun ownership and against gun control laws.
John Stossell did a great report, and made it quite clear that it doesn't ever help, and nearly always increases crime to take guns out of the hands of the citizens. He said that since Washington passed its strict gun control laws in about 1976, their gun violence has gone WAY up while the national averages have decreased slightly. They also said that murder rates are the highest in the nation in those stats that have the most strict gun control laws.
They also talked about a book that studied the subject (wish I would have written down the title), that said they couldn't find a SINGLE instance where the passing of a gun control law ever reduced violent crime rates!
They interviewed criminals in prison that largely said that they really had no fear of the police, but that they really feared the average armed citizen. They laughed about gun control laws affecting them in the slightest. It was really a great story, and the media did a commendable job of covering the subject in an unbiased fashion, and the results completely sided with citizen gun ownership and against gun control laws.
Here in Minnesota you better have your gun cased and in the trunk and if your in town better not have one at all. :>/