200 Inches!!!

My brother and I have always wanted to find the 2 hunski but never have, but this year we finally did, in an unexpected way! As we were hunting this year we bounced down a road that wasn't very popular beacause it dead ends and doesn't go anywhere. As we were getting out I looked over the hood and spotted a horn turns out this horn scores just under 90 inches! We were pretty excited but we didn't really look around for the other side because we were trying to get a bead on some bucks so my brother went out a few days later and hiked for a couple hours and came across the other side and that side scored over 90 inches!! We were stoked!! These are the biggest sheds we have ever found, we scored him around 204 " and 33 inches wide! an absolute giant of a 4x5!!!
You son of a guns or (brothers) :)

AWESOME work guys!! Couldn't have happened to a better couple of guys, love it. :not-worthy :not-worthy
thats some nice antler there
Now I can see why you hunt that area. :))

Those are some nice sheds.
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Thanks guys. We got pretty lucky but it was sweet, I think I'm done picking up sheds now, doubt I'll be able to top these.
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NICE!!! Those are huge!
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Those things are unreal!!