2003 Archery Monster Buck (pics)
1/12/03 8:17am
Here's a huge desert buck my hunting partner arrowed after I gave him a few hand signals to get in on the buck. I'd been hunting this buck for the last 3 years and when I spotted him again this particular morning, he was on my hunting partners ridge. It took all I had to let him know about the buck! :) One arrow at 15 yards did the trick. He's 27 1/4" wide, and gross scores 190 5/8" and nets 185 1/8" P&Y. One of the largest desert bucks ever arrowed in Arizona. Hope you enjoy the photos.
BOHNTR )))----------->
BOHNTR )))----------->
That's madness. What a buck.
later, MM
Whats the story behind the buck. Was it a guided hunt? Did you luck on to him? Had you been watching him before??
I hunted that buck for the last 3 years during the January rut hunt. No guide here, just a lot of scouting and familiarization with the area. However, I keep telling my buddy I should get some type of guide fee for getting him in on that buck. :lol:
Just an update, the buck officially scored 192" gross and netted 187" P&Y. It is the largest scoring mule deer arrowed in Arizona from a desert unit.
Glad you liked the picture.
BOHNTR )))------------------>