2005 Moose
10/11/05 10:33pm
Havn't been around much as I've been out looking for Mulie, Elk & Moose but have so far just connected on Bullwinkle.
Shot with my new #1 375 H&H 300gr nosler blew the lungs apart and split the heart in 2 at 40 yards. The Moose are just starting there rut up here {for a week anyway} and are just starting to check out the calls not stomping, snorting and grunting. Almost makes me wish I would have waited until I could have had one on top of me but with 3 weeks of scouting, 2 weeks of bow and a month of rifle I was good and ready to shoot something :)
Didn't notice until we walked up on him that his right side was broken off, but he will sure taste good :thumb
Walking up to him

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/mccurdy1234/Moose1.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/mccurdy1234/Moose2.jpg " alt="" />
Now I just need to focus on my Mulie draw......
Shot with my new #1 375 H&H 300gr nosler blew the lungs apart and split the heart in 2 at 40 yards. The Moose are just starting there rut up here {for a week anyway} and are just starting to check out the calls not stomping, snorting and grunting. Almost makes me wish I would have waited until I could have had one on top of me but with 3 weeks of scouting, 2 weeks of bow and a month of rifle I was good and ready to shoot something :)
Didn't notice until we walked up on him that his right side was broken off, but he will sure taste good :thumb
Walking up to him

Now I just need to focus on my Mulie draw......
Thanks for the post, a great one. Sweet photos, thanks for sharing and telling us about your hunt. Hope you have a successful Muley experience also.
It would be funny if you got it mounted so that you could put it in the corner of the room and make it look like it had put its antler through the other wall. Then tell people that you had a heck of a time getting him up there and to hold still.
So what part of the country are you hunting in???
So what part of the country are you hunting in???