2006 CA Monster Blacktail (non-typical)
9/23/06 8:08pm
I took my 12 year old son up to local mountains this morning, hoping to get him close enough (25 yards) to a deer with his bow. Since he has an either sex blacktail tag, he was willing to cast an arrow at any legal deer, including a doe.
After hiking most of the morning, we walked right up on two does that ran down a canyon. Knowing the trail I was on wound down the canyon towards where they ran, I took him down the trail to see if we could intercept them. As I got near the funnel they usually travel, I peeked over the edge of the small canyon and immediately spotted a NICE buck looking up at me from the bottom. I got Cody into position and ranged the buck. When I told him it was 50 yards, he whispered, "Too far for me Dad, you take the shot." I was pretty darn proud of him for making that choice....obviously he didn't see the rack on this thing. :)
After sticking the buck well, I was trying to keep an eye on him as he tore through the trees. I lost sight of him for a bit when Cody yelled, "He's down Dad!" After waiting about 20 minutes, Cody tracked the buck and found him piled up in the bottom of the canyon. When I approached the buck, I was completely astonished. I knew he was a huge blacktail, but not a true non-typical to boot!
After boning the buck out and caping him, I shouldered the HEAVY pack for a TOUGH hike straight up. Man is dry and dusty out there.......and HOT.
This is the best Blacktail (hybrid) I've arrowed with almost 30 years of chasing them with stick-n-string. I ran a tape on him and he'll green score 136 1/8" (non-typical) net. He grosses close to 143". He's an 8x5 (counting eye-guards) with great mass. He'll probably end up #4 in the state. For those who hunt blacktail & hybrids, you know what kind of buck this is. I'm on cloud nine and so is my son. We're going back tomorrow for him......I told him the rest of the season is his, as I'm now his guide! Hope you enjoy the photos.
Cody and I:

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/Hybrid_Non-typical_005.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/medium/Hybrid_Non-typical_012.jpg " alt="" />
Back View:

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/Hybrid_Non-typical_021.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/Hybrid_Non-typical_025.jpg " alt="" />
Packing out the meat and head:

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/551/Hybrid_Non-typical_028.jpg " alt="" />
After hiking most of the morning, we walked right up on two does that ran down a canyon. Knowing the trail I was on wound down the canyon towards where they ran, I took him down the trail to see if we could intercept them. As I got near the funnel they usually travel, I peeked over the edge of the small canyon and immediately spotted a NICE buck looking up at me from the bottom. I got Cody into position and ranged the buck. When I told him it was 50 yards, he whispered, "Too far for me Dad, you take the shot." I was pretty darn proud of him for making that choice....obviously he didn't see the rack on this thing. :)
After sticking the buck well, I was trying to keep an eye on him as he tore through the trees. I lost sight of him for a bit when Cody yelled, "He's down Dad!" After waiting about 20 minutes, Cody tracked the buck and found him piled up in the bottom of the canyon. When I approached the buck, I was completely astonished. I knew he was a huge blacktail, but not a true non-typical to boot!
After boning the buck out and caping him, I shouldered the HEAVY pack for a TOUGH hike straight up. Man is dry and dusty out there.......and HOT.
This is the best Blacktail (hybrid) I've arrowed with almost 30 years of chasing them with stick-n-string. I ran a tape on him and he'll green score 136 1/8" (non-typical) net. He grosses close to 143". He's an 8x5 (counting eye-guards) with great mass. He'll probably end up #4 in the state. For those who hunt blacktail & hybrids, you know what kind of buck this is. I'm on cloud nine and so is my son. We're going back tomorrow for him......I told him the rest of the season is his, as I'm now his guide! Hope you enjoy the photos.
Cody and I:

Back View:


Packing out the meat and head:

You've really outdone yourself this time, YOU ARE amazing!!!
That is a TOAD!!! Amazing Blacktail! :thumb :thumb :thumb
You're killing me.
I love how dark his horns are, and that left side is awesome! great buck all round! thanks for sharin
And good luck to your son on his hunt.
Thanks for the update, a buck and hunt to remember forever for sure!
Thanks, I appreciate it. I've hunted these deer for 30 years and he's my best yet...so I was fairly stoked!
I actually arrowed him back on September 23rd. After the 60 day drying period, he had to be committee measured, as I knew he would end up fairly high in the state record book. With turkey day the next day (60 days), I had to schedule the measure for yesterday.
Thanks for the update...and remember...You're my hero!!!!