2006 new mexico antelope hunt !!!!!

well heres some of my antelope photos from the 5th and 6th. I drew the mobility impaired antelope hunt in northeastern new mexico and spent a couple days scouting before the opener. I was very thrilled to say the least after missing 3 different antelope opening morning THEN re-sighting in my rifle and NOT missing anything else. perfect time to say "after a trip anywhere you should check your gun" DAMMITT !!!!! I missed two antelope that were in the 88-90" class and the third was not far behind. we saw one buck on some private land that was the biggest antelope I have ever seen or heard of on tv or in person ! he was the monster of all dreams ! but on private land the day BEFORE the season it was just a thing ! hope you enjoy this buck as much as I did. 298 yards, one shot from my trusty remington model 600 in 6mm and POW !
mobility impaired antelope hunt in new mexico. nice goat 4 me
very wide, great buck - just curious, what'd he tape out at?

If you did it yourself (or did it at all) or know what some of the measurements were then what was his length? and tip to tip spread (or widest point spread)

If nothin else then thanks for sharin, a real trophy there
Are you kidding me, I LOVE the look of that buck.

AWESOME indeed.

Congrats BIG TIME!!

10sign: 10sign:
Yep I agree that's a great looking buck you have there. What are the chances of drawing a goat tag in that state?
chances of drawing this hunt for me- a non resident was 6% there were only 25 tags and they have to give 10% to the non residents (me-lol lol) both guided and non-guided only get the 10%. because it is a mobility impaired hunt is why they don`t give alot of tags and it is a full 5 weeks before the regular season opens as well. I also applied for the mobility impaired rifle elk hunt too- in september- the rut- hee hee hee ! but even though there were more tags and better odds I did NOT draw that hunt !!!!! actually I was pretty sure I might pull an elk tag but never once did I think I would EVER pull this `lope tag. go figure ! it was still only 276 bucks for the lic/tag 6 dollars fee for online applications. I will try every year for this hunt. if you apply in the normal draw you have a better chance but after the drawings are over is when you begin looking for the landowner vouchers. for the last two years prior to now I called about 100 landowners in a unit I wanted to hunt in, and asked if they had any left, and how much they were. some guys sell them for $2,500.00 + and some guys give them to family and friends, some guys just trash them- they are free to the landowners "IF" the state biologist tells them they have enough `lopes to hunt they get the vouchers. same with elk too, but not deer. deer is a drawing in the entire state, elk and antelope are drawings too but then landowners vouchers are still an option after the draws are over. the rack is at my taxidermists place right now in tucson. I am going in tomorrow to see him as he is an official scorer for b&c/p&y/sci/etc. we are going to tape him then. just did`nt have enough time to get it done before now. I`m guessing 84" maybe more, he is THICK and his prongs are so high up I get three scores on mass instead of the normal two- he is a good buck I think. 82" makes the book AFTER drying. so if he is not at least 85+ I don`t think he`ll make it. I will tell you that I did miss two at least this width and bigger- there was NO doubt about making the book when I was shooting at them- and MISSING them as well ! next year !!!!! thanks for the kind words you guys I appreciate them. :thumb
hunterman67, just two words.......BEAUTIFUL SPEEDGOAT!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, a couple more words.... CONGRATS! Sure is nice to start seein' the fruits of this year's hunts comin' in...and no better way to start than with a buck like that!
Well keep us posted on how he scores.. and who cares if he makes book or not, hes a hudge goat and a great trophy regardless of how he may score, any man should be darn proud to get a goat like that even once in his lifetime - congrats again =D>

Im headed up to Wyoming again this year and in my unit ill be lucky to pull out a 65"er - still plenty big for me, i dunno if I could handle all that horn ya got there. great buck once again
hunterman67, Great Buck & Great Job! :thumb

Thanks for sharing the hunt with us. =D>

When you get time, I'd love to see a close-up picture of his head.

WOW THATS A GREAT BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like MM's idea, lets get a close-up of that head
nice pics thanks
well tomorrow/todays the day. I`ll have him OFFICIALLY scored tuesday morning at my taxidermists place. I`ll fill you all in.
thanks for the pics. good job!!!!
very nice thanks for sharin