2007 Goal!!

This is a bear that has been hitting our bait but we have been unable to catch him on the bait. This photo was taken a week and a half ago on a ridge not far from my bait site. I have some crappy photos of him on my trail cam. Hopefully I can get him to come into the bait soon.
http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u44/wymuleyman/OriginalCopySodaLakeBear.jpg" alt="" />
wow. thats one big bear.
Cool photo, thanks for the picture.

Good luck with the hunt and bait.
That is a big bear! With that hump on its back, it looks like a Grizzly but it seems to be lacking the dishpan face.
WOW!! That's a trophy in anyone's book!

very cool photo thanks for sharing.
Me and the other guys that have been helping out this season with my baits were back and forth for a long time on this bear. When we first laid eyes on him I thought black bear, because the face and color, but once I developed the pictures I was not so sure. He is a huge bear, and wyoming is not know for there big black bears. The hump was my first problem with him. But then I remembered how he was running down hill at a fast rate when I took the picture and figure it is just his shoulder blades protruding up, that is what gives him the hump look. I finally wanted to be certain so I took the picture to a game officer and he said with about 90% confidence it was a black bear, but would need to see his tracks to be certain. So the next day I went up and took a look at what I thought were his tracks and sure enough he is a big ole' blackie.
Yes, I can see why you guys struggled with that...but the tracks don't lie. I hope you get him. Is he still hitting the bait? I have one on my wall that is almost the exact same color phase. I killed him in southern Colorado.
Haven't been back up to the bait since Monday evening. As of Monday, no he hadn't been back! We will see!!!! I am hoping that he will return to mine or one of my buddies baits real soon. With my work load and everything I don't think I will be back up until Sunday maybe even Monday evening.
shed hunter
good pic what bait are you using?
jersey boy
Yeah taht is a big bear yeah good question what are you using for bait?