2007 Southern Utah Rifle Buck!

Here is the story of our opening day and my Cousins 2007 Rifle buck!

It was actually a ton of fun for me! We had 4 tags amongst our group and a 5 other guys to try and help the 4 guns succeed. Opening morning was a bust as we watched another hunter take a buck I'd watched all summer.

4 2-points came our way and a 'dinky' 4-point (smallest I've ever seen), really just a 2-point frame. So all you "head hunters" should be proud we let them all walk. Left the area and headed to a new area that I'd never hunted but knew had a few deer and held promise.

Off to the races we were, brother and cousin hike up first ridge. We (Dad and other cousin with tag) headed down further and up some really thick ridges. I've never seen so much feed (bitterbrush) in one place. I was thinking this is Mule Deer Heaven, great looking area with good sign and tracks but not lots of deer numbers.

Hour or 2 later we discover my older brother had come to within 30 yards of a big buck and missed him. He was pretty bummed, and said he was big and good width. He thought he was a 4-point, it happened fast and he was gone for good in the thick pinyons.

Continued to hunt and hike (not sure I've ever hiked so much in 1 day of hunting). Was completely exhausted and had only seen 1 doe and fawn in the new area. Still lots of sign so we continued to push and hike.

Later in the day we decided to break up a little bit and everyone basically decided to 'do there own little hike' and we would meet back in 1 hour. I'm thinking huh? Boring and less effective (to thick) to jump one and shoot yourself...unless lucky. So I tell my brothers lets head down a few ridges and try to hike push back to my dad and see if we can't push something his way. 3 of us spread out on the ridge with me being the highest (right where I like it). :)

Hundred yards up the ridge my brother to my left jumps a doe she comes to within 35 yards of me. 75 yards later I jump a buck to my right, got a quick flash of him and think he was a 3-point maybe?? Nothing huge but was unsure. Never saw him again, so no idea really.

Well I continue to hike higher and higher, saw a SWEET looking knoll that I just had to get to to push and circle around hoping to jump a buck to someone with a gun. I get to my sweet spot look across a small saddle and a deer is standing 160 yards away hiding behind some red oak looking straight at me. Binos up, BUCK!! Good looking buck, not wide but good mass and looks to be a 4-point on the left with some goofy going on with his right side.

Radio my Dad and tell him, he is holding out for big buck or bust. He decides to pass and wants me to push him and hope he can get a look for himself. I was trying to talk him into hiking to me and then decided if he wanted to take him. Buck continues to have a stare down with me, I don't dare to push him for fear no one will get a shot or see him again.

My cousin Doug Wilson, says if I'd wait he will try and hike to me to take him. He isn't to picky, I say game on...get up here and hurry as I'm not sure how long he will stick around. 1/2 later or so I finally get him to my location. He likes the look, I thought I could see some small kickers off his left side but didn't want my cousin Doug to think he was big, for fear of a missed shot from nerves (been there, done that).

I talk to him for a few minutes trying to calm him down, take your time...pick a nickel on front shoulder (only shot we had) and take when you are ready. I've determined in the hour watching him that his a 4x2 or 4x3 with good mass and good eyeguards and the possibility of an extra point or two on his good side. Narrow buck, but cool and definitely unique.

BLAM!! He's hit, he's hit running straight downhill to our left limping pretty bad. He stops in between 2 trees (our luck) as this was the only opening to see him again.

BLAM!! Another shot, HE'S DOWN, HE'S DOWN!! Nice shot, nice shooting HE'S DOWN!!

Short hike over there he was, a very COOL buck to me. I think I was a lot more excited than my cousin was. Actually I think he was pretty 'stoaked' himself I just am a bit MAD...MuleyMADness that is. :)

Congrats DOUG!! On your biggest buck to date, he is WAY cool!
First some pics of the country and sunset and then the buck!!
Doug Wilson's Buck!
neat. but come on Brett no pics?!?! lol honestly you know that aint gonna go down
opps.haha i posted the same time as you. i knew you had pics.lol. but if you didnt then i would of been grumpy.haha
I know, I know the deer is bloody...it was a NASTY drag out but downhill and we had to get the pics before it got dark. The mass at the base of his right side is almost double of the left. Unique right side for sure with some cool palmation. :thumb
Thats a real cool looking buck.
CONGRATS to your cousin on a very unique and very nice trophy!

I would be VERY happy with that buck! I love the unique ones...can't find another like him.
Very nice buck Brett! I'd take him in a heartbeat. Congrats to your cousin. :thumb
sweet deer looks like he got a little blood on him. lol awsome deer.
way cool looking deer CONGRATS
Indeed a very cool looking and unique buck.......I would have shot at him also!! Congrats!!
Great non typ!!!!!! JEALOUS! :222 :thumb
Its great good job congrats :thumb
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Sounds like a fun hunt. Thanks for sharing man.

Neat buck too.
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what a weird paddle buck good on yall
Congrats to your cousin and thanks for the pics and story. It sounds like it was a great time! =D>