2007 Utah Gen. Season Buck (BIG)
Heads or Tails
8/20/07 8:53pm
This is guy I know, he killed this buck on the Utah Gen. season archery. He worked and definately earned it, I won't say much about because we will probably be seeing stories on it later from him, but if i am gonna post the pics, better here than anywhere. All that I will say is ENJOY!!!!!!
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I actually had these emailed to me today. From what I heard, it was taken on public land to boot!!! (Is that correct heads or tails?)
CONGRATS to the lucky young man!
I also know the hunter and he has taken several P&Y bucks!
I'm simply amazed that is a MAJOR feat to kill something that big with a bow none-the-less.
Truly IMPRESSIVE, good luck topping that one.
Any idea on a score.
Job well done to the hunter.
That may not be exact, but that is the report that recieved. IMO when a buck gets to a certain point the numbers go away-net or gross it is just BIG!
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