2008 Buck 223 6/8ths

Little buck I took this year with my evil crossbow :)
http://crossbowhunting.net/photopost/data/502/medium/pauns-120.jpg" alt="" />
Lynn, if you'll shoot the 'big ones' I'll be happy to take care of the 'little ones' for ya. Good grief, what a buck! 10sign:
If thats a little buck i cant wait to see the big ones lol
The main beams on him, seem to be nothing short or 'ridiculous' as in BIG.
10sign: Wow congrats!!!! That thing is a beast....

LITTLE?!?!?!?! Holy crap!

pretty nice meat buck there did you wait till last day and lasy hour for that one good *** man thats nice 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
mapleton archer
i have really been impressed with some of the bucks i have seen taken this year, holy mamma thats nice!
Man what a toad.
Did you get that one here in utah. 10sign:
First time I seen him I passed
http://crossbowhunting.net/photopost/data/510/medium/pauns-012.jpg" alt="" />

Wait a minute, your kidding right? That is a SWEET picture.
Your killing me
Nice looking buck.....big time congrats!
I was looking for another buck I was told about, and seen him, but it was not as big as I was told, but I had this one patterned pretty good, so I finally took him at 36 yards.
I probably would have let him walk too....but that is because I would have been too busy changin' my soiled undies!!

Again...CONGRATS! What a buck!
This would have soiled them undies,

http://crossbowhunting.net/photopost/data/502/medium/2008-Bear-hunt-036.jpg" alt="" />

Should be the next world Record Black bear shot in Utah. Current record is in Utah, off the Manti unit.

DANG!!!! Beautiful!

Anything else, my friend?! Those are some fine, fine animals, that's for sure.
WOW, great buck and bear!! i cant beleive you let that buck walk once ](*,) he's a whopper!
Should be the next world Record Black bear shot in Utah. Current record is in Utah, off the Manti unit.
Have you had an official measurer score your bear or is this an estimate on your part? The reason I ask, is because bear skulls have the tenancy to shrink significantly (more so than antlered species). So, if the measurements are close to a WR, you need to have an official measurer score the animal asap and also set up an immediate panel measurement, as any/all potential world records must be panel measured before being declared a WR. Good luck.......and congrats on a fine bear.
Right now his skull measures 21 1/2" long and 12" wide, and yes it's all being taken care of, 60 days is a long time to wait #-o
http://crossbowhunting.net/photopost/data/502/medium/2008-Bear-hunt-024.jpg" alt="" />

This is a good reference for you, the arrow is 23" long, click on the image, then click on it again and see it at 600px

Also his skull is over 15" wide Typo on that post
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Little sensitive ain't ya? =;
You know what elkoholic.......you're right. I re-read my last post and it definitely came out wrong. If I had read that, I would have probably thought the same thing. It was definitely not what I meant. I guess that's what happens when I post something and I'm rushed for time. My apologies.....poor choice of words on my part.

Even though bears only have two measurements, they are often measured incorrectly resulting in hunters that are left disappointed when the final score is given. As I've already stated in some of my prior posts.....it's an AWESOME bear and deer. You should be and most likely are very proud of it. I sure would be!

You have to understand, the numbers given are very hard to comprehend for a bear skull that has the flesh and hide removed......as your black bear would potentially measure 36 8/16".....which would not only break the current B&C world record by over 12" but would also break the world record for Polar Bear, Brown Bear, and Grizzly Bear respectively. I hope it holds up....that would be awesome......and put the bear hunting fraternity in a frenzy! :)

Keep us posted on the outcome.....would love to see you with a true prehistoric type monster bear on the top of the list!
I appreciate the apology, and yes I know the measurements are unreal, but what the end result was figured at was A little over 24" total by the scorer, I wrote down what he said and I may have made a mistake or him. The bottom line is that it is going to be very close and I am excited about that. This particular bear has been sought after for many years, and I got extremely lucky in getting him. I know you deleted my last post to save the Internet brawl, and I am glad you handled the thing this way. I just hope you understand where I am coming from, you do remember, right?
you do remember, right?
Actually I don't, sorry......and I'm not even 50 yet! lol
"ElkaHolic" wrote:I appreciate the apology, and yes I know the measurements are unreal, but what the end result was figured at was A little over 24" total by the scorer, I wrote down what he said and I may have made a mistake or him. The bottom line is that it is going to be very close and I am excited about that. This particular bear has been sought after for many years, and I got extremely lucky in getting him. I know you deleted my last post to save the Internet brawl, and I am glad you handled the thing this way. I just hope you understand where I am coming from, you do remember, right?
i thought the same thing when i read it. the first post says it was 21 1/2 long and 12 wide. but this post says it is 24" total. there is a mix up somewhere. the score is made frome length + width. it is a huge bear, but physically impossible for it to be 21 1/2 long and 12" wide. --- the 24 " is huge AND possible.
Easy on Lynn guys. This bear is a GIANT, he nor I really doesn't care the total score. But he will have it measured officially to see where it turns up. He is absolutely stoked about it regardless of the score, he just told me the story and it's crazy. The bear actually charged him, scared me as he told me; can't imagine being there.
not being hard at all, or not meaning to be anyway. just clarifying. score isn't at all what is important. that bear is huge! and maybe it will be a new world record, just not almost TWICE as big as the old one. lol we should all remember score is just a # the hunt is what makes the memories!
Well BOHNTR I do not want to rehash the past, I will keep you posted on what the official score comes up with, once the beetles have done there job. I should have an actual BC green score soon. I looked back at the sheets of paper and he measured 21 3/4 long with hide on and 15 1/2 wide hide on, then some other scribbles and scores and the bottom lined score was to be around 24 plus possible after drying time.Right now it's possible, because they are so close he could come close to the grizzley score. But who knows, it's all speculation at this point
I looked back at the sheets of paper and he measured 21 3/4 long with hide on and 15 1/2 wide hide on
Okay, that makes sense to me now.......I thought the measurements given were the skull only (without hide). Maybe now you can see why I was clarifying.

Now having said that, even with those hide measurements that's an AWESOME bear, he's going to go VERY high......you should be pumped! Sounds like a heck of story too!

You can always PM me on how I know you.......and give me the story of the bear......sounds like it got a bit western on you.
we should all remember score is just a # the hunt is what makes the memories!
I agree 100% I just know that this bear has been hunted for 10, 12 plus years and sought after by many hunters, he was mean and nasty and would not tree, why I was so lucky is beond me.
Nice 223 and 6/8 inch buck
Thank you, I appreciate the compliment :thumb
Great buck. Good job! =D>
Awesome buck. I don't see enough horn to justify 223 and 6/8ths but very nice buck with a bow.
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Nice buck ElkaHolic, I think that I got that buck on film twice this year and he is a monster. How wide is he ?
I say keep posting and dont let people get you down most of these people dont mean to be negative they just come across that way when they try to type it out those are two nice animals actually better than nice great animals and thanks for shareing 10sign: 10sign:
"MTQUIVER" wrote:Awesome buck. I don't see enough horn to justify 223 and 6/8ths but very nice buck with a bow.
Cows and goats and the like have Horns, these are Antlers
ElkaHolic Can you give me some of your luck [-o<
LMAO I don't get it, worst year physically I have had in years, long story you can read it here http://www.crossbowhunting.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=37&Itemid=73

But hey I would gladly help if I could, We, I take kids or people whom are physically challenged on hunts and I swear I left home on Aug 13th, and just got home a few days ago, now this tag come in LOL unreal, gonna have to get a loan out on the house if I get that Lion taken just so I can get all this Taxidermy work done.

BTW that post above shows the kind of nit picking that should just stay out of stuff, It was done on purpose to show how stupid things can get lol
You have definetly had it hard but you are makeing the best of life and thats all that counts
I wasn't trying to stir things up I just didn't see it personally. I think it is an awesome buck and I would shoot it with a bow and arrow for sure, but I would double check the score. I am just adding up inches in my head and I can't come up with that score. I just wondered if it was marked correctly. As far as promoting crossbow hunting I think what you are doing is awesome. My dad has polio and walks on crutches. He hunts all over the world and has taken alot of trophy's with a rifle. He has a crossbow and I am always encouraging him to use it. He has taken a few animals with it but I would love to see him do it more. I think that anyone who can shoot quality animals with a crossbow is a good hunter. Congratulations again.
I scored it, a very reputable person that does taxidermy scored it and another friend scored it we were all within a 1" or less, sorry but I stick by it. I hope your father does pick one up a crossbow, He can also hunt extra time as a disabled hunter with bad legs. Check into the handicapped rules and see what he can qualify for.

ok here goes Number of points A left, 6 left 6 right
b: tip to tip spread 25.5
C: Greatest Spread is measured between perpendiculars at a right angle to the center line of the skull at widest part, whether
across main beams or points. I measured 32 main beam to main beam, but I could get 34" but I stuck with 32" D: inside spread of main beams is 30"
E: total extra points 6.25
F: Left 27.5 Right 28.5
g1 left 2.5 right 2.5
g2 left 4.25 right 6.25
g3 left 4.25 right 2.0
g4 left 10.5 right 10.25
h1 left 6 right 6
h2 left 5 right 5
h3 left 4 right 3.75
h4 left 4 right 5.5
I did not include the points when I scored it (A) on my sheet, plus this shows 231 4/8ths
add in A and I get another 12 if you add them in(not sure if your supposed to or not) BC sheet, but I did not, heck it's almost 5:00 a.m. so add them up let me know if there is anything you have seen done wrong, I did not keep anybody else's scribbles. I only used my friends numbers in the post, these are my measurements, I rechecked them and they are correct.

I don't really care what it scores, I rounded mine up or down but it was usually within an 1/8 or so, so that's probably the discrepancies on this sheet, can not find the one me and my buddy did together.
Cool story. I am glad that your life has turned out so well. You have a beutiful wife who hunts with you and 2 daughters that are probably just as pretty. You have taken some nice animals and given back with the positions you have filled. Congrats on the success story. Thanks for sharing.
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GREAT BUCK ElkaHolic, what state did you get him in, and was it a general season hunt or Limited Entry hunt?
Guess what area I got him, and yes it was Utah, Just from the look of the buck I am sure just about any Utah person would be able to guess where he came from, if not I will tell ya
The Ox
hey not knockin your buck that is a dandy!!!!! score does not matter but i think where ya messed up on score is the greatest outside spread is NOT included in the final score the only spread that is counted is inside spread... anyway congrats on 2 animals of a lifetime!!! i really love the extras on that buck and especially the width!!! without that outside spread he'd be in the 190's and that is still huge!!!
and goodluck on that lion... what unit is your lion hunt?
OK, so then why does the BC score sheet have the greatest spread as a measurement? Measurement C. Like I said, I did not include the greatest spread in my measurement, only the main spread. :-k I took every measurement the sheet said to take and added them up, could somebody clarify this? The sheet says you take an B, C, D measurement. That's all that is included. So if that is try??? I have a 193 6/8th buck, this buck is much wider and taller, hard to figure the logic. Like I said, the person that measured him that I took as true is a well know person who knows what he is doing and I stick with my 223 6/8ths, I know he is correct.


All measurements must be made with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. (Note: A flexible
steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only.) Enter fractional figures in eighths, without reduction. Official
measurements cannot be taken until the antlers have air dried for at least 60 days after the animal was killed.
A. Number of Points on Each Antler: To be counted a point, the projection must be at least one inch long, with length
exceeding width at one inch or more of length. All points are measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam. Beam tip
is counted as a point but not measured as a point.
B. Tip to Tip Spread is measured between tips of main beams.
C. Greatest Spread is measured between perpendiculars at a right angle to the center line of the skull at widest part, whether
across main beams or points.
D. Inside Spread of Main Beams is measured at a right angle to the center line of the skull at widest point between main
beams. Enter this measurement again as the Spread Credit if it is less than or equal to the length of the longer antler; if
greater, enter longer antler length for Spread Credit.
E. Total of Lengths of all Abnormal Points: Abnormal Points are those non-typical in location such as points originating
from a point (exception: G-3 originates from G-2 in perfectly normal fashion) or from bottom or sides of main beam, or any
points beyond the normal pattern of five (including beam tip) per antler. Measure each abnormal point in usual manner and
enter in appropriate blanks.
F. Length of Main Beam is measured from the center of the lowest outside edge of burr over the outer side to the most
distant point of the Main Beam. The point of beginning is that point on the burr where the center line along the outer side of
the beam intersects the burr, then following generally the line of the illustration.
G-1-2-3-4. Length of Normal Points: Normal points are the brow tines and the upper and lower forks as shown in the
illustration. They are measured from nearest edge of main beam over outer curve to tip. Lay the tape along the outer curve
of the beam so that the top edge of the tape coincides with the top edge of the beam on both sides of point to determine the
baseline for point measurement. Record point lengths in appropriate blanks.
H-1-2-3-4. Circumferences are taken as detailed in illustration for each measurement. If brow point is missing, take H-1 and
H-2 at smallest place between burr and G-2. If G-3 is missing, take H-3 halfway between the base and tip of G-2. If G-4 is
missing, take H-4 halfway between G-2 and tip of main beam.
According to your measurements your buck scores 174"

39.25" total mass measurements- Very Heavy Buck
30" Inside spread- Huge inside spread
56" Main Beams- Very Long
5" g1 total
10.5" G2 total
6.25 " G3 total
20.75 G4 total
6.25" extras

Total score 174"

Greatest spread and tip to tip are just references but they don't count on the score.

Great buck none the less
Looking at the bucks picture you need to re measure because you listed his g2 as 4-6" and they are both longer than that. The g2 on the right side looks to be about 15-16" so I think the numbers are messed up.

I think if your mass measurements, inside spread, and main beam lengths are correct- you are looking at about a 188-189" buck. I am just guessing on the G2's with a 16" and 11" measurement. If those are close you are right close to 188-189" which is an awesome buck, especially with a bow.

The outside spread and tip to tip measurements are just for record and not part of the overall score. You just add up the columns on the right of the score sheet.

MTQ is right.......your G2's are much longer than what you have listed, IMO. Additionally, the outside spread, tip-to-tip spread are for statistical data only and do not factor into the score. B&C did this when they designed the system many years ago because they actually thought these animals may be headed to extinction and they wanted the data to refer to.

I've attached your buck photo with a guide for your review to see which points are which. Once you add both sides, the abnormal points (listed as "AB" on the photo), and the inside spread you'll get an overall gross score of antler grown. The official net score would be after subtracting the difference between the two respective sides. (Example-the right side has a G3 but the left side does not, so that would come out to 0/8" for G3)

What I like about this buck is the width and exceptional length of the main beams......just an awesome looking buck. Hope the edited photo helps.

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd3/BOHNTR/pauns-105.jpg?t=1225682758" alt="" />

That's a great way to display all the measurements. What program did you use to do that?

You are counting the projection off of the G-2 on the left side as an abnormal point, rather than calling it the G-3? I believe I would score it as the G-3 since it's in approximately the correct location, albeit at an odd angle (but so is the whole G-2 for that matter).

Main beams are HUGE on this buck! :thumb
That' how it was measured is that it had a G3, Like I said, I measured it and a reputable person and that's the score they gave me and that is what I used, then I scored it and came close, but I did miss measure the other night, and I assumed that since the columns lined up, you put the score in there. I was told 223 6/8th so I posted it. I was pumped because I allready have one that is 193 6/8ths.
BTW the g2 is 18 right and 14 on the left, also there is an AB off the G3 on the right that is over an inch.

I am learning :thumb

Also I am not interested in a net score, I am just a Gross guy lol

The point off of the G2 on the left side appears to come off the side of G2 which would make it an abnormal point. If you look at the three photographs Lynn attached you'll see the point coming off the side. Also, when you look at the overall antler structure, it's natural structure is that of a 3x4 with extras, IMO. It's tough with photos and not seeing the rack in person, but that's how it looks to me.
what area did you draw your cougar?
I dont think he's 223 inches quite.