2008 OR Muley at Taxi

Found a pic of my 2008 OR Muley (The one on the left). it is still at the taxidermist. Supposed to be done in a month or so. I will post a pic when I get it back also. The one on the right is my hunting partners.
Nice buck! =D>
I learned something on that hunt. It was opening day of rifle season (Oct 3rd or 4th). You will note that he still had his velvet. When I took him down and started to gut hime I noticed that he had no balls. We were back at camp cleaning both when a local rancher stopped to check them out. The racher stated that he must have been one that was roped and castrated. I guess it is common for the ranchers while out gathering thier cattle to rope fawns if they see them and castrate the bucks. They stated that this causes the horns to grow larger and in a majority of cases to grow non-typical. It has a side effect of keeping them in velvet longer. I had never heard of anyone doing this until that day. The rancher said is was common practice. Have any of you ever heard of this?
"Livn-Lg" wrote:I learned something on that hunt. It was opening day of rifle season (Oct 3rd or 4th). You will note that he still had his velvet. When I took him down and started to gut hime I noticed that he had no balls. We were back at camp cleaning both when a local rancher stopped to check them out. The racher stated that he must have been one that was roped and castrated. I guess it is common for the ranchers while out gathering thier cattle to rope fawns if they see them and castrate the bucks. They stated that this causes the horns to grow larger and in a majority of cases to grow non-typical. It has a side effect of keeping them in velvet longer. I had never heard of anyone doing this until that day. The rancher said is was common practice. Have any of you ever heard of this?
i sure hope it was "an ol' wives tail" with the poor deer population / buck to doe ratio, we dang sure dont need some guys roping and casturation bucks to make it worse
oh sorry-- forgot , Nice buck to. congrats to you and your hunting partner :thumb
The deer was ball less. I assumed he was telling the truth.
I guess it is common for the ranchers while out gathering thier cattle to rope fawns if they see them and castrate the bucks. They stated that this causes the horns to grow larger and in a majority of cases to grow non-typical.
Yes it was done, more so in the past...hardly ever now IMO. But it wasn't necessarily COMMON practice back then either but a few did it.

As for causing the horns to grow larger, I believe that is non-sense for the most part. Does or can cause some non-typical growth or 'cactus'/'stag' bucks. But a dumb thing to do IMO.
Yes it has been done. I have known people who have done it in the past. My son killed a buck a few years ago that was a stag, as referenced in the story on my blog. I agree that it is not very common these days.