2008 season...so far
10/7/08 4:31pm
Well after an exhausting 2 evening hunts,LOL, I finally found a receptive bull. He's no monster but I am very happy with him considering the the very very limited time I had to hunt elk this year- I am leaving in 48 hours for alberta to chase elk up in Hinton for 10 days. Pretty stoked about that. So I had already decided to shoot the first legal bull I had a crack at. This one fit the bill nicely.
I left my truck at 530pm and was cutting anf guttin by 6:15. He bugeled 20-25 times in the 20min it took for him to come in. I actually missed the first shot at 32 yards due to an unseen branch 4 inches infront of my broadhead. The second shot at 52 hit perfect and he ran about 35 yards and went to sleep.
On the way out of the drainage I got stuck and my buddy and I had to walk (verified at 13.5 miles on the odometer the next morning) to the nearest house to call for help. Pretty fun knocking on someones door at 2am.
Anyway heres a pic-Oh yea he spent a little time showing off in a wallow on his way in.

http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/4299/08elk1qo7.th.jpg" alt="" />

I had a great trip to Alberta elk hunting. I saw an amazing array of animals ranging from martin to moose, including a cougar and lynx.The only thing in the provice I didnt see was a wolf, which was too bad since I had a wolf tag in my pockett. oh well. Cant ask for a better hunt for my first outfitted hunt.
I killed my 348 gross bull on the 6 th evening at 7pm at 110 yards. Over the course of the hunt I passed up 6 other 6 pnt bulls ranging from 290 up to 335+. the 45" main beams on this bull hurt his score, but his mass and 7 tines that are 16-17" really add up making him a little too nice to pass up. My buddy missed a 350 class bull on his last evening after passing up several legal bulls. Weather and the numbers of screaming bulls was more than could be hoped for. To say I was covered up with rutting elk would be an understatement

http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/9654/abelk3yr4.th.jpg" alt="" />

Well after an exhausting 2 evening hunts,LOL, I finally found a receptive bull. He's no monster but I am very happy with him considering the the very very limited time I had to hunt elk this year- I am leaving in 48 hours for alberta to chase elk up in Hinton for 10 days. Pretty stoked about that. So I had already decided to shoot the first legal bull I had a crack at. This one fit the bill nicely.
I left my truck at 530pm and was cutting anf guttin by 6:15. He bugeled 20-25 times in the 20min it took for him to come in. I actually missed the first shot at 32 yards due to an unseen branch 4 inches infront of my broadhead. The second shot at 52 hit perfect and he ran about 35 yards and went to sleep.
On the way out of the drainage I got stuck and my buddy and I had to walk (verified at 13.5 miles on the odometer the next morning) to the nearest house to call for help. Pretty fun knocking on someones door at 2am.
Anyway heres a pic-Oh yea he spent a little time showing off in a wallow on his way in.

I had a great trip to Alberta elk hunting. I saw an amazing array of animals ranging from martin to moose, including a cougar and lynx.The only thing in the provice I didnt see was a wolf, which was too bad since I had a wolf tag in my pockett. oh well. Cant ask for a better hunt for my first outfitted hunt.
I killed my 348 gross bull on the 6 th evening at 7pm at 110 yards. Over the course of the hunt I passed up 6 other 6 pnt bulls ranging from 290 up to 335+. the 45" main beams on this bull hurt his score, but his mass and 7 tines that are 16-17" really add up making him a little too nice to pass up. My buddy missed a 350 class bull on his last evening after passing up several legal bulls. Weather and the numbers of screaming bulls was more than could be hoped for. To say I was covered up with rutting elk would be an understatement

It was an interesting experaince to say the least. Haveing never been on a guided hunt before I didnt know what to expect. As it turned out it was like hunting with one of my buddies here in MT. My guide/outfitter Lain Roth said he enjoyed it also.he said they dont get many clients looking for their 15 bull elk most are looking for their first. He did admit to me after I passed on a 335-340 bull the first night that he has never had a client that would have passed on that elk. I only and idiot would pass on that bull. Then I reminded him I was looking for a 340-350 class bull and wouldnt have a chance at one in that class if I shot one smaller. I think he still thought I was somewhat crazy but he said respected my decision to hold out for what I wanted. In hindsight, I even if I hadnt shot a bull I am still glad I passed, cause if I had shot him I would have missed out on alot of great elk hunting. I would go back in a second for another elk hunt. While we were there a couple of bulls between 350 and 390 were killed in my unit. If I go back I am going to hold out for a pig. My bull and the 335 were all alone. We never had a chance to to get in on a herd bull. One of Lains clients in the same spot the year before screwed up on a 360+ bull. He believes that bull is still alive in the area based on reports he heard from sheep hunters. Did I mention we drove through the middle of the Cadomin mine every day on our way to hunt. I saw several 190+ rams on the roadside including one in the mid-upper 190's.