1/8/10 7:11pm
I had planned on putting together a good video this year with my friends but I really dropped the ball on that one. I was forced to put in my front yard by the HOA and with all the June rain we had, it set me back farther than I hoped. We had a flash flood come through and took out 1/4 of my yard. So I had to do a lot of extra work to rebuild it. Anyway, I did get out a few times in July but could not find many bucks at all. On the archery, we saw some great bucks and sawtooth missed a 6x5. I had put a cleaning tape through my camera right before I packed it and forgot to change it back out. ](*,) On the muzzy hunt, we decided to hunt a popular area that traditionally held good bucks but the pressure this year was unreal. In this 1st picture, there was a hunter on almost ever ridge or saddle you can see. We were about 3 miles from the closest road.

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/muzzyhunt2009.jpg " alt="" />
On opening day, some hunters said they saw 4 great bucks on the mountain I'm standing on when I took this first picture. I spent 3 days looking for them but nothing but 25-30 smaller bucks. 23" wide 130" class or smaller. I did find an old cabin about 3-4 miles back in. Talk about a house with a view.

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/muzzyhuntcabin2009.jpg " alt="" />

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/IMG_oldcabin-1.jpg " alt="" />
And then just a little further down the ridge from the cabin was this old abandoned campsite. Looked to be 5 years old or so. There was a 4 man tent still staked down and some suppies. Makes me wonder why they would have not returned for the stuff.

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/oldcamp2found2009.jpg " alt="" />

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/oldcampfound2009.jpg " alt="" />
We then tried a diffent area on the rifle hunt. We were socked in by the low clouds on opening day until about 9-10:00 am. When the clouds did lift, we spotted a few 4 points and sawtooth was able to get some quick shots off and connected on this nice buck. The bigger one with it escaped untouched.

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/Corbysbuck2009.jpg " alt="" />
Here we are on our way back out with Corbys buck.

http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo189/ackc10_album/Corbysbuck22009.jpg " alt="" />
After opening day, I only saw about 10 small buck in the next 4 days but I do think we've got things figured out for next year. In Sept. my wife decided to get the kids a pony and her aunt and uncle gave us their quarter horse. (which will not go in the trailer we have) ](*,) I promised I would have a barn built by Thanksgiving. So that left me with no time to hunt the extended archery this year. :>/
As the sun set on the valley below, I could only recount the past seasons memories and look forward to 2010. :)

On opening day, some hunters said they saw 4 great bucks on the mountain I'm standing on when I took this first picture. I spent 3 days looking for them but nothing but 25-30 smaller bucks. 23" wide 130" class or smaller. I did find an old cabin about 3-4 miles back in. Talk about a house with a view.

And then just a little further down the ridge from the cabin was this old abandoned campsite. Looked to be 5 years old or so. There was a 4 man tent still staked down and some suppies. Makes me wonder why they would have not returned for the stuff.

We then tried a diffent area on the rifle hunt. We were socked in by the low clouds on opening day until about 9-10:00 am. When the clouds did lift, we spotted a few 4 points and sawtooth was able to get some quick shots off and connected on this nice buck. The bigger one with it escaped untouched.

Here we are on our way back out with Corbys buck.

After opening day, I only saw about 10 small buck in the next 4 days but I do think we've got things figured out for next year. In Sept. my wife decided to get the kids a pony and her aunt and uncle gave us their quarter horse. (which will not go in the trailer we have) ](*,) I promised I would have a barn built by Thanksgiving. So that left me with no time to hunt the extended archery this year. :>/
As the sun set on the valley below, I could only recount the past seasons memories and look forward to 2010. :)
That's really what hunting is all about. Getting out there and enjoying the total experience.
For sure, and it's time to plan for 010. :thumb