2010 Elk hunt video

Here is my buddy's elk hunt I video last September. Its not the biggest elk but it made for a awesome video.

This should get you guys with Elk tags AMP up!!!

That was awesome!!!! :thumb Congrats on a good bull and one heck of an experience!
+1, that was cool good job to the hunter and to whoever did the video
Sweet video! How close was the bull when he shot? It looked like he was about to get stepped on!
Cool, that last bull busted or goofy?
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I did the videoing, it was my dad calling and Greg shooting, It was only 4 or 5 yards away when he took the shot. He didn't know if he wanted to shoot that bull we were only a hour into the hunt when he shot. We were also in a great unit in AZ where he could of shot a 350plus bull if he waited. That bull got so close to him it would of walk on him if he didn't shoot, it was more like a self defense shot! haha. and That other bull at the end of the video got his A$$ kick by a much bigger bull! I could hear them fighting from camp! I grad the video cam walk about 50 or so yards down the rd, i could still here them going at, few min went by I let out a cow call then he came running out of the woods, His antler on his left side was broken off at the base pretty much and he was limping when he came running in. after he ran off i went back to camp and showed my dad a Greg the video. I walk back over to where i heard them fighting to find that broken antler, and BAM there was the big boy who kick his a$$, before i could reach for the video cam he was gone! I was going to guess him at the 390 plus mark. I ended up finding the broken antler and every point on it was busted off. This was the best elk hunt I have ever been on/ the quickest!
cant wait for this September, hopefully i have a video to show you guys.

Great video!