2010 Emmigration and City Creek Closed!

To rifle hunters that is! =D> Read it in the SL Trib this morning. Dont know the exact boundaries that are getting closed, but I would guess North of I-80, and West of the East Canyon road in SL county. Has anyone else heard the set boundaries? This would be a great thing for us die hard wasatch front guys.
I hope they make it all of Salt Lake County East of I-15. That would be the easiest. I am so excited about the new change. 10sign: =D>
Oh me too. There could be some great hunting on the wasatch front in the next couple of years. I cant beleive they didnt do this years ago with all the cabins, hikers, and such.
I hope it doesn't convert more rifle hunters to archery (Like I did two years ago lol ).
The new rule change will either do that or cause rifle hunters to quit going at all. Probably reduce revenue to DWR in the long run.

I'd also like to know more about this "Sportsmans for elk and deer"...what ever they call themselves. My guess is they are another bunch of anti-hunting wackos. But I could be wrong #-o
Springville Shooter
I think that it's great that archers have such a great opportunity on the late Wasatch. I think that game managers could do everyone a favor by looking for ways to separate archery and rifle hunters and give archers seasons in areas where rifle hunting is not safe. I would however like to see them remove some of the archery tags from rifle areas to equal out the pressure and provide opportunity for the rifle hunters that traditionally hunted in the now-archery only zone. Give the muzzy guys an area, or season and everyone could be a winner. ------shooter
'Oh me too. There could be some great hunting on the wasatch front in the next couple of years. I cant beleive they didnt do this years ago with all the cabins, hikers, and such."

Ya think! lol
it it gets any better i wont know what to do! 10sign:
"swbuckmaster" wrote:'Oh me too. There could be some great hunting on the wasatch front in the next couple of years. I cant beleive they didnt do this years ago with all the cabins, hikers, and such."

Ya think! lol
it it gets any better i wont know what to do! 10sign:

looks like your wish came true!!

wonder how many rifle hunters that pissed off, im sure quite a few
this boundary issue isnt dead.

The division is going to change their mind again. look for updates after january 6, 2010 :>/
"swbuckmaster" wrote:this boundary issue isnt dead.

The division is going to change their mind again. look for updates after january 6, 2010 :>/

that is what i have heard also!! i wish they would make up there damn mind, i would like to know "NOW" what is going on, i have decisions to make ](*,) #-o

Any updates? From what I can tell (no specifics in the Guide Book!) its back open to the rifles hunters now. Anyone heard anything?
It will piss a few off,the rest will convert to archery and your new season will be overun with new,unexperienced archers,thats what happened when they came out with the statewide archery antelope season and the gauranteed archery elk tag in the breaks,sounds great at first...
I looked on the boundry website and they don't have the 2010 map of the Extended archery boundry up yet, but I did find this:
Questions call 801-476 2740 (Ogden)
Springville, 801-491 5678