2010 Oregon Elk
Springville Shooter
9/26/09 9:56pm
Ok, Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but I have been going over my point status and I think that after a decade of saving elk points in Oregon, next year I'd better go. Elk hunting has gone downhill in Or since I started collecting points in 1998. Back then, a few 300 class bulls were killed every year. My plan back then was to get the Mt Emily tag. For those of you familiar with Oregon elk hunting I would like your opinion; What is the best elk zone or area in OR. I don't care about specific spots, just opinions on general areas. I would like to take a decent six point bull, and DIY is the only way for me. What do you think, is there a zone out there worth my points, or should I keep saving and hope for things to get better in the future?----shooter :-k
i disagree on the elk hunting going down hill. elk hunting is getting better in most units.
remember , those NW units get a very small % of non res tags. and they go back and forth , year to year, going to the general draw and the next year the tag goes to an outfitter. so for a DIY guy, you can only possibly draw the tag every other year+ you dont have the points to draw those tags anyway.
SO----- MillCreek Watershed does NOT allow an outfitter in there. you have to hunt it BY yourself or with someone else who has a tag. and only 1 person can help you pack it out AFTER you have killed your bull. NO spike hunts in there , NO bow hunts in there, NO buck hunts in there, just 1 rifle bull season.
i have a buddy who drew the tag this year. he just recieved his pack from the ODF&W.
this year they WILL allow 1 person the hunt with you that DOES NOT have the tag. and 3 people can help you pack out. but still NO OUTFITTERS.
my % tags book says you have a 42 % chance with 10 points and 100% chance with 11 points. as a non resident. BUT draw odds are messed up for oregon NON residents. these are guesses at best IMO but close.
hope that helped a little, let me know if i can help any more :thumb
Just the kind of info I was looking for. I also get the oregon %tags and think that it has been a great resource in drawing several mulie tags. The reason that I'm shying away from my origional plan of drawing the MT emily or walla walla tags is that I don't want to compete with a bunch of spike hunters while trying to pick out the bull that I want. I don't hunt elk often and would like to get the one I want. Just FYI, I have harvested mulies in the Fossil, Snake River, and Warner units. Living just a little south of the OR border in Cali, I also shot alot of coyotes in SE or, and we had an annual tradition to go film winter range mulies every thanksgiving in the lakeview, plush, hart mt, sheldons areas. I love hunting in OR and will continue to put in even though I live in UT now, besides, I'm over halfway to drawing a Hart MT goat tag. Thanks again for the advise, I like the sounds of this tag!---shooter
mt. emily is good. but at your point level , your in a "chase" poole, meaning you will gain a point every year, but so will the tag. who knows how long till that changes. if you want to hunt, that is not a good choice. if you dont care how long it takes, pick any of the top 3.
but just on topic, i know guys who have killed that size bulls in 4 point tags. ME PERSONNALLY, i dont believe a 360 bull is worth 15 yrs of not hunting elk/ UNLESS you take advantage of are archery hunts. but if i only rifle hunted. i would draw one of the 4 point tags , every 4 yrs vs. drawing one of the top 4 in MAYBE 15-20 yrs, some 25 +.
for the record, i'm not degraing the bull at all, just the yrs it takes to draw.
dont get me wrong, i'm not saying that 360 bull wasn't worth shooting on that hunt, i'd be happy with it. i just dont like the idea of not hunting elk for 15 yrs just to draw that tag. but we do have some decent archery hunting here. but i dont know how much longer we'll get to just "buy" are archery tag after the draws are over.
Re the 35+ elk spotted before taking the shot in 2008. We hunt Muley's in Fort Rock, and missed our draw in '08. One of the regulars drove over anyway, and saw 45 bucks in an hour. In '07 they were scarce, and this year we saw nothing. One of our group caught a 4 point looking around a tree at him that was bedded. He's in the freezer now. Either they weren't migrating down yet, or they got killed off in the long winter last year. May be the same with those Elk he saw in '08.
Re Utah bow Muley's, my wife's cousin lives in Lehi, and took a 4 point in velvet in '08