2011 Fall Turkey Hunt
10/3/11 4:42pm
The turkey hunt did not even come close to planned this year. Had scouted turkeys for two weeks prior to the hunt and found three good size groups that i would be able to try at but had to miss opening day due to work and school. the second day of the season i could not locate the groups i had been watching for the last two weeks so i spent most my days walking and glassing trying to find a group. finally i found a group but they were on private property and they wouldnt come off the property and everyone i talked to didnt know who owned the property so i could not ask permission to hunt there so i had to let the group be. these were the only turkeys i seen the whole time hunting. then as i was leaving the hunting area to go home the alternator in my vehicle seized and broke the belt so i had to call a friend to drive three hours and bring parts to me and help me fix the vehicle. so my turkey season wasnt very productive this year but i did get to be with great friends and family while i was having no luck, which in reality is what i think hunting is about. hopefully next season we can fill some tags and if not it will still be a good trip.

10/3/11 5:58pm
Dang, that's a disappointing season. I'm sorry that it didn't turn out as planned. I hope the next one goes better for you!

10/5/11 6:31pm
yeah it was disappointing but hopefully my deer season is way better

10/7/11 7:09am
Hopefully you will have better luck 4c on your deer hunt