2012 deer unit boundaries are up,,30 units,see maps
Goofy Elk
4/22/11 12:00pm
Here's the 2012 proposals for general season deer unit boundaries,
Dedicated hunter changes and a few new rules........Enjoy.
Dedicated hunter changes and a few new rules........Enjoy.
I've got to be honest I think this whole thing BLOWS! :>/
But hope I'm wrong, maybe I'm selfish in my thinking, if this helps deer herds rebound and improve them I'm all for it.
I hunt 7 out of those Southern Units, now I can't walk across the Highway and hunt the other side of the road.
I just renewed for Dedicated Hunter this year, only reason was to have a tag...don't think it's worth it anymore though. But I'll enjoy the time I do get outside and quit gripping cause that won't change a thing. :thumb
Been pushing it for years.
Wish it would have gone some were when we tried to get opt 2 the first time around
6 years ago. Are deer herds would be in far better shape now.
That’s about how I thought it would shake out with the boundaries. I’m not sure what to think about the changes… I'm hoping that it won’t affect me much because the unit I’ll hunt is primarily private property & tags have been pretty easy to come by before… so why wouldn’t they be going forward. No doubt that some of the more popular units in the southern portion of the state will be as difficult to draw as a limited entry unit. I’ll be interested to see the application data next year to see the number of preference points it'll take to draw some of the southern units.
IMO… the Dedicated Hunter program is not for me. Again, hunting the old Northern region I’ve been able to walk up to the Wal-Mart Sporting Goods counter and purchase my tag for $35. No doubt that will change and I’ll be playing the drawing game like everybody else (good thing I’ve got me a handful of Preference Points). It hasn’t made much sense for me to apply for Dedicated Hunter when I could just go get a tag and I have a very limited amount of time that I can take away from family & work. I’ve watched friends get into the program and end up spending a lot of $$$ to buy their service hours & then they only get out and hunt for a couple days. For now, I’m ok with picking my weapon & being able to harvest every year. Maybe down the road the Dedicated Hunter program would be something that I would consider, but right now… no chance.
It’s totally working the system (whether it’s ethical or not I’m still trying to think that through)… but it’s something that I’m seriously considering. I have two friends that are both moving out of state with the intent to move back in 10-15 years & they are pumped to rack up the points while they are away. The only drawback I can see is that I’d have to pay non-resident prices for the general tag ($263 vs. $35)… and my pockets don’t go that deep! Although I am considering buying a non-resident deer tag in Washington @ $400 to hunt a buddies property… so in comparison the non-resident Utah general tag is cheap.
Wonder how this will play out in 2-3 years
When they were coming up with the plan they admitted it will not increase the population.
But in 2-3 years it will be a piece of cake for them to shut down many of the units and open them as LE later on. More in, and out of state money.
I hope I'm wrong, but when was the last time a gov organization did something that made things better and not worse, at the same time lightening your pocketbook for you?
Just playing the devils advocate her...... wait, that's my real opinion. :)
The ONLY benefit I can see coming out of this deal is the dwr's ability to micro manage "hunters" on units that may require reductions of hunters due to low fawn/doe ratios. That can't be accomplished as easily on regional units, but that's about it folks. Like someone else said here, it won't be long until some of these micro unites are turned into bonafied LE units with very few tags avaliable. Once the buck/doe ration drops below 18/100, it goes up to 25/100! Only way to achieve that goal is to reduce tags even further! When was the last time the WB voted to take an LE unit back to general? Yeah, exactly!
Until this State begins to manage our wildlife to "grow" herds and not maintain them, and use scientific biology instead of social and political biology, we will continue to lose opportunity and our herds will suffer. It is a down right shame the direction our hunting heritage has gone.