2012 KY, Fall, Bull Elk Tag up for grags!

Hi everyone,
I am proud to announce that the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission has awarded its second Bull Elk Tag to our N. KY. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited. This tag is for the 2012 Fall Season and again is good in any zone for any legal weapon.
Our QU Chapter is going to raffle this tag as we did with the first one earlier this year. The only thing required is a resident or non-resident hunting license if you should win. All elk permit fees, ($30.00 resident) and ($365.00 non-resident) have been waived.
Tickets are being sold now and all proceeds will be used to further our conservation projects. There will be only 200 tickets sold and they are $100.00 per ticket. You can email or PM me if interested. Also, go to QU's website (www.qu.org) for verification if you would like. We did that so people would know that this is a legitimate project. More information is there and it is currently the 3RD item down on QU's home page. Drawing will be held at Elk Creek Sporting Clays in Owenton, KY. April 28, 2012 at 5:00pm. Each entrant will be notified of the name, city and state of the winner. The winner will be notified by registered mail.
If you participate in our 2012 fundraiser prior to December 31, 2011, that donation may be deducted on your 2011 tax filing. QU is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization.
Good hunting to all, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 QU aka Oletrapper
1 entry from CO today. Wow! Thanks to MuleyMadness.
Thank you MuleyMadness, If this keeps up I think we will meet our goal of 200. 1 email today requesting information.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
"Oletrapper" wrote:1 entry from CO today. Wow! Thanks to MuleyMadness.
One entry yesterday from Indiana. Were getting there.
Lots of requests. Please be patient. I will get to everyone as quick as I can.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Hi everyone, I have been getting a lot of questions about how much land (public) there is to hunt in Kentucky and what are my chances of a successful hunt. Hope the below will answer some of the questions.

Our tag is good in any zone, which means, "In Zone or "Out of Zone". It is good in any EHU. It is good for any legal weapon during that weapons portion of the season. The only thing required is a non-resident hunting license. All elk permit fees have been waived by KDFWR.

The 16-county elk restoration zone is 4.1 million acres, and is divided into 10 Elk Hunting Units, including sub-units, with a total of 576,994 acres open to public hunting. The EHUs have been established to manage the elk herd, spread out hunting pressure, and provide hunters with a high chance of success. There were 800 tags issued in the 2010 season and there was an 80% success rate. 800 tags were also issued for the 2011 season but success numbers have not been posted yet.
If you should have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Here is a great video on Kentucky's Elk Restoration.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. KY. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited, aka Oletrapper
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources has a rule that if you were chosen for a Bull Elk tag in their Elk tag lottery and you tag out, you cannot apply again for 3 years. The question was, "If I tag out through Ky's lottery for a bull in 2011, can I still hunt in 2012 if I win your drawing?" The answer to that is yes you can. The KDFWR rule does not apply to our Commission Tag. We still have a few tickets available and if you have been thinking about supporting our conservation fundraiser you need to hurry. Many thanks to you guys and gal that have already participated. We could not make this a success without you.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We here in Kentucky have lots to be thankful for. Many thanks to those who have helped our QU Chapter make our Bull Elk Tag raffle a great success. To all the states which helped make our herd what it is today. Over 12,000 and growing. We have come a long way since 1997. Many thanks to all.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited

PS: There are still tickets available but you need to hurry. Please email me to reserve.
Christmas is just 26 days away!

With that in mind.

What a great idea for a stocking stuffer. We still have some tickets available for our 2012 season, Commission Bull Elk Tag raffle. All proceeds from this conservation fundraiser go right back into our conservation efforts and your entry is tax deductible. QU is a IRS 501-C-3 organization. Many thanks to MuleyMadness, 10sign: and all those who have supported our efforts to date, 10sign: .

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
thekysportsman@hughes.net Please email me to reserve a ticket before they are all gone.

Annual Sponsor,QU,DU,NWTF
Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and Happy New Year.

http://gpsinformation.info/main/merryxmas.swf (turn up the sound)

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
And thanks to everyone who has helped us with our fundraiser. Best of luck in the drawing to all.

We will be suspending ticket sales on February 20th. We have less than 20 tickets still available. You can still participate but you need to hurry. Thanks again.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Many many thanks to all those here who have helped make our fundraiser a great success. All 200 tickets have been sold. My next post here will be the name, city and state of the winner. The best of luck in the draw to all that participated in our fundraiser.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Hello everyone,

The N. Ky. Chapter #481 held the drawing for the Commission Bull Elk Tag on April 28th at 5:00pm. The drawing was held at the Elk Creek Hunt Club and Sporting Clays in Owenton, KY. One of the elk club’s employees reached into the box and pulled out 1 of the 200 plastic eggs. The egg contained ticket stub #028, which belonged to Leo Essex of Loretto, KY. Congratulations Leo! We hope you score a record bull elk this fall.

We would like to thank all who participated in our fundraiser. A special thank you to those who operate this forum and who allowed our post. We could not have done it without your help and permission. All 200 tickets were sold and over $18,500.00 will be used for our conservation projects. A detailed financial report should be available by the end of this month. If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481, Quail Unlimited
The N. Ky. Chapter #481 would like to thank all that participated in our fundraiser. We could not do what we do without your support.

2012 Bull Elk Special Commission Permit Fundraiser

Gross Revenue $20,000.00

Advertisement $532.00
Postage, Printing, Supplies $884.09

Net Income $18,583.91

Projects Funded:

1. Purchase of one tow behind wick applicator for weed control and trailer. To be stored at Lloyd WMA and administered by Clay Smitson (KDFWR Biologist) for use in wildlife habitat projects. - $4,495.00

2. Sending youths to Camp Webb - $1,800.00

3. Seed distribution - $9,488.91

4. Jakes/Covey Day Event $2,800.00

Total Project costs - $18,583.91