2012 MT Mule Deer
11/27/12 8:52am
Had the opportunity to spend most of the Fall in Montana. starting off with Grouse in early Sept, Waterfowl and Pheasants in Oct and this Muley on BLM land.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e64/mnmt123/th_Oct252012031.jpg " alt="" />

I can think of worse ways to spend a fall season, but can't think of a much better way.
J/K of course Wayne, congrats!!
Sorry about whats going on at Photobucket too. :>/
I'll work on it.
Heres a bit bigger pic.
Just home from MT.
25 inch outside, heavy bone for MT BLM.
Like almost always, hunting solo. About a half mile from the truck.
Boned and packed out, one of my easier packs :)
Mostly :-k all easy grade uphill.
He shorted me on a couple points, but His mass is better then the pics show, Base of the antlers tell me he is probably 5-6 years old. And like all the Muleys I've killed he needed another year or two of growth.