2012 November Hunt
1/29/13 7:15pm
New guy here so figured I'd post how I did on my hunt last year. This was the second time I have ever been hunting for me I have gone with my dad plenty. This is my first deer ever. Here's how the story: Well I'm 14 and on opening day I got my first deer. I scored him at around 135!. My dad and I had been walking for about 2 hours. And let me tell you my arm was ready to fall off. Then my dad saw a buck stand up at around 230 yards. So I got set took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. Then we crossed over and began to look. We weren't sure of if I had hit him because we didn't find any blood, and I began to worry. So we kept looking and soon enough my dad found blood. Then I looked up and there he was my first deer and a MONSTER for a first deer if I must say so. 

http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r572/antlerman98/IMG_4484.jpg " alt="" /> first blood 

http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r572/antlerman98/IMG_4483.jpg " alt="" /> when we found him 

http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r572/antlerman98/IMG_4482.jpg " alt="" /> 

http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r572/antlerman98/IMG_4488.jpg " alt="" /> me holding him after we got him from under that tree

http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r572/antlerman98/IMG_4489.jpg " alt="" /> Then my unpaid guide(a.k.a my dad) best guide ever free of pay and your ride home.

Glad You got pics and glad You shared. Bet Your looking forward to next deer season! :)
Now don't go getting spoiled and thinking this will happen every year. Sometimes you'll have to settle for something in the 290lb range!