2012 Tags So Far -
5/17/12 3:49pm
I see ID posted...NV, UT and OR should follow later so who's got what so far?
Whole lot of points for me....
Whole lot of points for me....
Drawn or purchased:
CO archery mule deer tag (2nd choice)
AZ archery bull elk tag
CA archery only deer tag (AO)
CA Bear Tag
Still waiting on results for:
UT-limited entry deer tag
UT limited entry elk
UT limited entry antelope
CA Deer, elk, sheep, antelope
Bonus Points applied for or received:
WY mule deer (max)
AZ mule deer
AZ antelope
NV-archery mule deer
Walking on air!
I can't wait to see how your Tule elk hunt pans out- you HAVE TO fill us in!