2015 Kansas Whitetail (pics)

Well, I finally did it.........I actually hunted whitetail deer. It's been on my bucket list to do for a few years now, and with a gracious friend from P&Y, my buddy and I (Ed Fanchin) drove to western Kansas and met our generous hunting partner. My very first evening sitting a tree-stand, I arrowed this P&Y class whitetail at 21 yards. He's a 10-point (eastern count) that's over 21" wide......I'm told that's wide for a whitey? He only went a short distance after taking my arrow through the heart.

The next morning, it was Ed's turn. He arrowed this nice buck........then filled his doe tag 10 minutes later. Unreal hunt that was fun. I could get used to this stuff. lol

http://s20.postimg.org/x6njjxk6k/P1040245.jpg" alt="" />

Ed's buck with the "recovery team".....he also arrowed a doe 10 minutes after his buck fell.

http://s20.postimg.org/l7c1cmelo/P1040265.jpg" alt="" />
Pictures won't open. ](*,)

Congratulations on what sounds like a fun hunt.
Photos.....hope these work.

http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos3/5139p1040245.jpg" alt="" />

http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos3/9847p1040265.jpg" alt="" />
Worked perfectly.
Those are some great looking bucks.
Very cool bohntr! It's been a while since I've seen a picture of you killing something. Glad to see you back on it! Planning any more high country hunts anytime soon?
Man you can say that again.
and again
and again
and again

Congrats on your first whitetail. I tried sitting in the stand thing a few years back but just didn't quite take to it.
I tried sitting in the stand thing a few years back but just didn't quite take to it.
Yeah, it's different. Much easier if you're seeing critters for sure.
It's been a while since I've seen a picture of you killing something. Glad to see you back on it! Planning any more high country hunts anytime soon?
Oh, I've been bowhunting stuff.....just haven't posted many photos lately. I ended up arrowing a small 4x4 (23") in NV in August on the last day.......killed a decent desert buck In AZ last year that I don't believe I posted.......and a couple good wild hogs and turkeys spread throughout the last several months.
Great job Roy! Looks like you've got a new species to chase out East now. :)
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Super cool. Congrats. I would like to give it try sometime myself.