2016 UT Archery Buck (pics)
8/20/16 9:49pm
Still up here.....but here's my 2016 Book Cliffs buck arrowed this morning. Scouting for a few days prior definitely paid off. Hope you enjoy.

http://forums.bowsite.com/TF/pics/00small28715047.JPG" alt="" />
Hope that you had fun.
Ive been looking forward to hearing about your hunt, seems you always make the best of the tags you draw.
See any bigger bucks? Or were you able to take the biggest you had scouted out?
He's probably the third best buck I saw in the four days of scouting. The other two were being hunted by a kid and his father-in-law, so I went to a different portion of the unit. Here's a photo of one (right) I think was a bit better: