220 swift

so i got a 220 swift for my birthday, great gun! shoots like a dream. but my question is: what bullet has been necked down to .22 cal. to make the 220 swift? i really want to say it's a .243 necked down to a .22 cal. but i cant remember for sure, i for the life of me i cant find my books that would say. so can someone tell me?
The prototype for the 220 Swift was developed in 1934-35 by Grosvenor Wotkyns who necked down the 250-3000 Savage as a means of achieving very high velocities. However the final commercial version developed by Winchester is based on the old 6mm Lee Navy cartridge necked down. It is a semi-rimmed case.

I found this info at http://www.reloadbench.com/cartridges/220.html.
:thumb right on sneekee!
That site has a lot of good info on most common calibers. I found it a couple of days ago and have read up on a few calibers I was curious about. Anywho I'm glad I could help you out Killer. :thumb
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I remember as a kid my Dad using this caliber to plink at those tiny Excedrin bottles at 300 yrds....love it! Accurut and deadly...PRO thought it was alittle small when he killed a buck with it in 1989