Does anybody know where to find a good quality 223 for a good price?
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I was in Wally World yesterday and saw a youth model 223 package for $337.00. I think it was a Weatherby.
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Best buy for the dollar!
CZ 527 heavy barrel. out of the box I could shot sub 1" did a little tuning with the loads only.
best group to date is .38 X .541 outside to outside. I did check to make sure all the screws where tight. have not done any thing else.
Rifle runs around $500.
Best of Luck
CZ would be a great choice for the money you might want to also look into a Savage new or used. Pawn shops are a great palce to check with the bad economy there are some good deals to be had.
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I wish I could find a good pawn shop that was asking a fair price for thier items, every shop I been to in the last 3 yrs wanted NEW prices for used item, hope you can find a good deal on them
Economy aside, I think most will find pawn shops with inflated prices. We can all blame the Obama scare. Everyone that has one knows what its worth. People will pay the high price out of fear.
Good luck to you.
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True word have been spoken
The Ox
get a savage! they are amazing in the 223. and good price. dont let the price fool you they are great guns! there idea behind the price is they wanted a quality shooting rifle that anyone could afford so they skimped on the stock a little and used a cheaper wood so its not as pretty of a gun but its definently one of the most accurate out of the box guns!
If a pawn shop will not accpet a lower offer than I just will not do business with them.

I have not run into many shops in Colorado that will not accept a reasonable offer over there high asking price.