12/16/11 6:50pm
Has any one used the 25-06 for elk, mule deer. Im looking into a model 10 and they have one in 25-06 and 300 H&H, 30-06 and 7mm Rem Mag. Really like the 25-06. Any caliber suggestions.
Shoot a heavy premium bullet for elk and it'll do the job. Some will suggest a larger caliber and I cant argue with that. Bottom line is that bullet placement is the most important thing.
EDIT: Dang! sawsman beat me to it! lol
And welcome to forum switchbackkd.
Out of your options there, I would lean to 30-06 or 7mm rem mag. Both are great rifles, and ammo can be found anywhere.
Yeah, I have a 25/06 and it's my deer/antelope caliber these days. My second rifle is a .300 Win Mag for the bigger stuff.
I took my muley at 488 yds this year, quatering on, and had a complete pass through from front right shoulder to left hip with the 100gr Barnes TSX at 3580fps muzzle velocity. I would easily say he was 200+ on the hoof.
It would not be my first choice for elk though. I have a few other guns for that game size. .270Win, .280AI, 7mmSTW, .300RUM....
Could it kill an elk? Definitely. But shot placement and effective range become a lot more critical. Not that this is not critical with a .338Lapua either, but there is a lot less room for error with the .25-06 on an elk. I am a fan of the one-shot, quick/humane kill on ANY game animal.