264 Winchester Magnum

:D the 264 Winchester Magnum Loaded with 65.5 grains of MAG-PRO behind 140gr Hornady Interlock sure does wonder on Mule Deer. Last season my little bro used my 264wm to bag his first Muley at 150yds. It sure was nice to see him fill his license.
:D Yea, Ill bet that worked wounders! Write us the story!
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Last year my little brother went hunting for the first time. He was carring a 30 30 winchester. We had been hunting 3 days, we had seen some nice bucks. The closest buck was about 300 yds away from him. He was getting very disqusted, he already wanted to quit because every buck he saw was out of his range. On the 4th day I let him use my 264 Win Mag, That morning we happened to run into 5does and 2 bucks. This time he knew he was able to try the shot. He got so nervous I had to let him rest the rifle on my back so he could get his shot. He got the biggest of the two. I was proud of him. After he shot he was jumping up and down like he had won the lottery. That is all he talks about now, he says he cant wait till next hunting season. He has been bragging to everyone how he got his older brother to get on his knees.
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I've used a .264 ever since I could keep both ends of it off the ground. With 140 grain noslers or x bullets it has taken almost all my game for 25 years. Up to elk, kudu,and eland. I have found it to be equal to anything I pointed it at!
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I worked up a new load in my 264 winchester magnum using H4831
winchester Brass
Winchester LRM primers
OAL 3.283
65 grains
velocity 3,147 fps
I've got my grandfathers old 264 in the closet I remember shooting over my fathers shoulder for my first deer. I plan to have it rebuilt with a new fluted barrel shortly and get it back into comission. I remember my father always bragging about it being the best all around gun he's ever owned. I purchased him a new 300 ultra in rem 700 once the barrel was toast on the 264. With my first only 2 months old it may be later than sooner I would love to hear it bark over my shoulder for her first animal.