2nd 2006 CA Blacktail
10/27/06 4:08pm
Under some dry and windy conditions, I was able to fill my second tag this morning. I arrowed this blacktail (hybrid) on top of a ridge and watched in horror as he rolled 150 yards to the bottom! I was releived when his left G2 was the only point chipped a bit. He's nothing like the other I arrowed earlier this year, but he'll still make the record book at about 105" P&Y.
I can now lay the bow aside for a bit while I try and get my son some more shot opportunities. With the dry and warm conditions, it's been tough getting him close enough. Come on rain! Hope you enjoy the photos.

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/548/A31_Buck_06_003.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/548/A31_Buck_06_004.jpg " alt="" />
I can now lay the bow aside for a bit while I try and get my son some more shot opportunities. With the dry and warm conditions, it's been tough getting him close enough. Come on rain! Hope you enjoy the photos.

For some reason with you teaching him how to hunt I don't think that it will be long before we start seeing pictures of him and his deer on here. =D>
Good Luck and have fun.
Maybe to RUN down the deer before he rolls all the way to the bottom? :)
Yeah, I'm down to 158 pounds.....lost about 30. Been training a lot and following a nutritional program. It sure helped on my earlier CO adventure. :)
BOHNTR, You are getting in the danger area with those high country wind gusts. :))
Thanks amigo.....current plans are for a two week trip the beginning of January to the Arizona desert. I am simply addicted to those rutting desert muleys. :arrow