3 big bulls in 2 days

I haven't posted anything for a while. But I figured I needed to share these with everyone. I tagged along with 3 friends on their 2011 LE elk hunts. The first bull was killed on Sat. (9/17) at around 11:30am by Larry AKA... Doug Miller. Lol!!! He is a heavy and wide 5x6. It was the biggest bodied elk any of us had ever seen. It also had a meseed up front hoof with 4 inch dew claws. Best part about it was 12 of us were near Larry when he shot it. And it was really close to the road.
The second bull was killed on the 2nd morning by my good friend Casey Carver. I had the privilege of calling .And attempting to video the bull for him. We set up on the edge of a big clearing and I gave a couple cow calls about 15 seconds later the bulls cows started running into the clearing that ticked him off, he bugled on the edge of the aspens and came trotting out towards his cows. I cow called to stop him so Casey could size him up, as soon as he stopped I heard/felt the blast of Casey's 338 edge. The bull turned and amazingly took 2 more 250gr bullets before piling up. Casey's extreme excitement is captured on video, and is something I will never forget, we both knew it was not a monster bull, but the loud cheers and high fiving we did may have told a different story. The bull is a beautiful 6x7 with very dark antlers with ivory tips. Casey was more then happy.

The 3rd bull was killed by Larry's son Pete. Unfortunately I was only able to listen and watch the action and excitement over the radio and spotting scope. The bull was killed on a very steep side hill and far from any road. Along with Pete were his 2 sons Travis and Randy and his nephew Aaron. I had to go home early Monday morning so I also missed the pack out of this bull. I will try to get some field photos and post them.
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Whoops accidentally hit post. I had a blast camping and hunting with my dad and many other good friends. Now the pictures ... crap... it wont let me upload from my phone. Promise I will upload them tomorrow. Sorry!!
Sounds amazing, look forward to the pics. :thumb
sounds like an amazing time, now where are the PICS :)
Sounds like a great hunt. Can't wait to see the pictures. I get to head out again tonight with a friend to see if we can put another bull down.
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Dang, that sounds like a blast. My hunt starts in two weeks and this is making the wait seem even longer!
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Here they are finally..... I was having computer problems. Sorry for the wait.
Larry with his bull. Doug Miller look alike
Larry with his bull. Doug Miller look alike
Me and my dad with Larrys bull.  Lots of mass!!!
Me and my dad with Larrys bull. Lots of mass!!!
Me with Casey's bull
Me with Casey's bull
Casey with his bull  6X7
Casey with his bull 6X7
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Those are some great looking animals!
Very nice bulls, Congrats to the hunters
Wow, all impressive. You guys did well for sure. :thumb
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Wow, sounds like a great trip and those are some very nice bulls.

Congrats to the hunters!
Great job guys. Way to go! :thumb
Well done, congrats. Great pics, too.
Yup, Larry's a dead ringer for Doug Miller!
great looking bulls congrats to the hunters