3 day hunt

With the rifle hunt cut back to 3 days up here , everyone is buying muzzle loaders . Looks like the muzzy hunts are going to look like the rifle hunt did . And if the UDWR does as they are planning and combine the deer and Elk muzzy hunts next year and give us only 8 days for both , i don't know( IMO) if its going to be even worth going , it will be a MAD HOUSE for sure . If you have private land to hunt on then everything will be ok but public land hunts up here will be a joke . Small game hunting , coyotes and birds may be the only thing i bother with in the near future . ??? see how this years goes !! ](*,) ](*,)
Thats why i put in for LE and out of state tags. Its not worth it to hunt in the mad house it is up here, its already pretty bad.
The fact that ANY unit in the state is forced to go to a 3 day hunt is a disgrace and a sad deal if you ask me. What is says to me is HORRIBLE management of the the deer herd. Maybe I'm to harsh? I understand severe snows levels during certain winters/years can take take a heavy toll on deer herds. But that is the only GOOD excuse IMO. Bummer deal.
Utah Rob, what unit are you talking about?
What area is this? Also last year the muzzy hunt was cut short up by vernal utah, we drew cow elk tags and muzzy deer tags. The cow elk tags were for the south slope? (cant remember exactly what it was named) and so we hunted both tags there but had to give up on deer earlier than almost everyone else in the state...

If they are cutting back on all hunts they are doing EVERYTHING wrong!!! Yes some winters are harsh but the herds werent in that bad of shape years and years ago so its something else that is causing the problems!!!
I'd much rather go to statewide LE that cut the days down this low. Which I think we may see happen in a couple years.
The Ox
cache, ogden,monroe,southslope vernal, oquirhh-stansbury are 3 day hunts. also i wouldnt worry about muzz being more crowded just might be harder to get a tag. there is a limit to the amount of tags givien out so muzz can only be as crowded as normal.
which you can still go to a diff unit after the 3 days as long as its still the same region. i agree tho pretty pathetic they wanna raise elk numbers and the deer herd seems to be struggling so bad! really ticks me off that they are more worried about spike elk hunting opportunity more than general deer!

ridge- do you mean micro managing? idk i have mixed feelings on that! seems like a good idea but i usaully hunt to diff units one is high country the other is pinyon juniper so i would hate to have to choose just one to hunt! plus i usually try general archery elk so i would be stuck with the high country hunt. if i wanna do both at the same time. idk i just think they need to take all the emphasis off growing the elk herd and worry about the deer herd too
Ok so i have to ask:

Has anyone actually expressed the way they feel to the dwr??!?!?! I have written them a few times and told them what I thought & told them i was not alone but if no one else is telling them they wont believe me!!!! Dont just complain on here write them, call them, talk to a local officer, something!!!!!! Things wont fix themselves and they cant listen to the people if they arent talking!
I've written them and also went to the RAC meeting. I was the only one to stand up and complain about last years Wed. opener. I don't think I made all the difference but they did vote to change it back to Sat. with the rest of the state. Only bad thing is, I have talked to a few guys already who don't know about the change back to Sat. and are planning on being there on Wed. and the hunt will already be over two days before. ](*,)
"ridgetop" wrote:I've written them and also went to the RAC meeting. I was the only one to stand up and complain about last years Wed. opener. I don't think I made all the difference but they did vote to change it back to Sat. with the rest of the state. Only bad thing is, I have talked to a few guys already who don't know about the change back to Sat. and are planning on being there on Wed. and the hunt will already be over two days before. ](*,)
this is another thing i complained about in another topic is the lack of communication. I know that as a hunter it is our responsibility to research rules and regulations but too many people quit checking. We all need to communicate with each other and the officials, i ran into people on the mountain last year who didnt know the muzzy hunt was cut short in the area and they werent happy! One guy arrived the second to last day and when he found out he hooked his trailer back up and left.
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"MuleyMadness" wrote:The fact that ANY unit in the state is forced to go to a 3 day hunt is a disgrace and a sad deal if you ask me. What is says to me is HORRIBLE management of the the deer herd. Maybe I'm to harsh? I understand severe snows levels during certain winters/years can take take a heavy toll on deer herds. But that is the only GOOD excuse IMO. Bummer deal.
Not a harsh statement at all , a true story !!
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"amp713" wrote:Ok so i have to ask:

Has anyone actually expressed the way they feel to the dwr??!?!?! I have written them a few times and told them what I thought & told them i was not alone but if no one else is telling them they wont believe me!!!! Dont just complain on here write them, call them, talk to a local officer, something!!!!!! Things wont fix themselves and they cant listen to the people if they arent talking!
yep, i e-mailed them and wrote a letter also . .
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"ridgetop" wrote:Utah Rob, what unit are you talking about?
sorry , i am hunting in N Cache .

The muzzy hunt is still a longer hunt , so a lot of the rifle guys are switching to muzzys . I understand they are not going to put the muzzle loader hunt between the two rifle hunts like they (UDWR) had planed , but it will have it first , but the deer and elk hunt will be combined for only 8 days for both, in 2011 . SO HALF THE TIME IN THE FIELD . ](*,)