3 min video

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We do our best to stay as sent free as possible, we shower with the sent away brand soap before every hunt. This is for both morning and evening . Once we are in the woods we take our time and spray with the sent away spray as needed. But the most important thing is to watch the wind, and back out when it’s not right. We had been working this group of elk all morning when they laid down. We had the wind right and could see multiple elk and decided to stop calling and wait them out. When they got up three and a half hours later we started with some light cow calls, And this little guy was on his way. I don’t think he ever seen us but smelled where we had been laying for that long. There were four of us in this spot two callers and two hunters. It was fun to call him in this close just need a big un to do that now.
That's a sweet video, can't believe others haven't commented on it. :)

What was he 2 yards. :-k
Would have loved to be the guy in that close. Cameraman did a great job catching it all.
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Thanks, I was the camera man. I dont think he was quite 2 yards lol
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That was great, nice camera work and good job by the hunter keeping his cool.
That was fun to watch. 10sign: Thanks for sharing.