3 point Boone and Crockett typical?

Has anyone ever heard of a 3X3 muley making the books at the 190 inch minimum? Just curious if anyone has ever seen one or if it's even possible. By 3X3 I mean absent of any g4's. Thanks
i cant think of any, but i wouldn't be suprized at all if there were a couple.
I've seen some BIG 3s before but I don't think any of them surpassed 190". However, I wouldn't be overly surprised if it has/can happen.
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I saw a big 3x3 at my taxis place that came from Mexico and he said it would go book and he is an official scorer and from what I saw of the buck I can't doubt it would make it.

There are none in the all-time book (mule deer). Columbian Blacktail....different story.
Ide love to see some pics of a 170-180 3x3. That would be a cool rack. Any idea of the score of the highest 3x3 in the book???
Big Moose
There was a buck on the cover of Eastman's (Oct/Nov 2004) that was 190 7/8 net. The hunter killed it in Mexico. Very cool looking buck! I have saved this issue just because of this buck. The hunter's name is Mike Wieck and it grossed 194. Amazing 3 pointer !!

Here's a pic of some sheds from a monster 3 point. Man, I wouldn't pass that buck up in any situation.
Those are some awesome sheds! I love a big 3 point!
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I killed this buck a couple of years ago, he green scored 174 net. At only 25" wide and with fairly short main beams, I have to think its possible for a 3x to make the book. This buck has 12" G3s and around 36" of mass if I remember correctly. The main beams have obviously regressed back into the G4s, which is good because he would have had more deductions otherwise.
http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u57/mqeqeshe/CodyBuckSide.jpg" alt="" />
http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u57/mqeqeshe/CodyBuck.jpg" alt="" />
El Matador,

Beautiful buck and mount. 10sign:
"MuleyMadness" wrote:El Matador,

Beautiful buck and mount. 10sign:
Agreed! Very Cool Buck!
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I have seen two 3 points that netted over 190. I believe one was 192 and change the other 190 and change. I thought one for sure was entered. Maybe not. Anyway, both lacked G3s, but they had long mains and huge inside spreads. I had a friend kill a 3 point buck in AZ that went 197+ gross, but netted just under 190. Huge, framey bucks.

El Matador- Your bucks is a true stud. Did the fix look ok?
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Here's a 3 x 3 buck I guided a client to last year... I have a hard time putting another 14" on this buck to even gross 190. Possible...maybe but your chances are about equal of shooting a 4 x 4 that nets 215...
http://onyourownadventures.com/hunttalk/picture.php?albumid=32&pictureid=2328" alt="" />
That is an incredible deer. I have to agree, getting a 3 point to net at 190 would be something very rare.

Welcome, SWEET buck. 10sign:
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Missed the previous post that pointed out Weick's buck. That is the 190 and change buck I was referring to.

Sneakem- That is a beautiful buck. Throw 3" eye-guards on him and 1 inch on each point, plus a touch of mass and you are there. Thanks for posting a photo of such a great buck.

For the record- I could careless about score. I just like hunting mature mule deer- of course larger antlers are a bonus.
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This is a set of sheds I found this year. He is definately NOT BC, but he is the biggest 3pt framed buck I have ever seen. He is in the neighborhood of 34-35" wide and has 49" of mass, so long as he meets the requirements for all the mass measurements. I am no scorer so I could be totally wrong. This buck has unreal mass. you almost have to see to believe.
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Thanks for the compliments everyone, I was fortunate to get such a deer on a general hunt. And Packout, I could not be happier with your taxidermy work. It is truly amazing. And I cannot even tell where the .355" diameter 3rd nostril used to be. The fix looks perfect!

You should not allow your brother's friends to "dryfire" their guns in your living room, and especially not while aiming at your prized deer head. But if you do, have Packout's number on speed dial :thumb

Those are some BURLY sheds, that much mass is ridiculous :not-worthy
Here is the the biggest 3-point I've ever watched. He was HUGE. These pics are at night, watched him for 5 years and trust me when I say the pics don't do him justice.

Cool thread.
Boy he was a stud in 06 & 07.
Nice pictures.