3 point Boone and Crockett typical?
5/12/11 4:26pm
Has anyone ever heard of a 3X3 muley making the books at the 190 inch minimum? Just curious if anyone has ever seen one or if it's even possible. By 3X3 I mean absent of any g4's. Thanks
Beautiful buck and mount. 10sign:
El Matador- Your bucks is a true stud. Did the fix look ok?
Welcome, SWEET buck. 10sign:
Sneakem- That is a beautiful buck. Throw 3" eye-guards on him and 1 inch on each point, plus a touch of mass and you are there. Thanks for posting a photo of such a great buck.
For the record- I could careless about score. I just like hunting mature mule deer- of course larger antlers are a bonus.
You should not allow your brother's friends to "dryfire" their guns in your living room, and especially not while aiming at your prized deer head. But if you do, have Packout's number on speed dial :thumb
Those are some BURLY sheds, that much mass is ridiculous :not-worthy
Cool thread.
Nice pictures.