30-06 load
5/31/11 12:22pm
New here but not to reloading or hunting. However I am new to using H4350 powder. I know 30-06 may be a little too much gun for antelope but it is what I have at hand. It's a M70 one of the new ones. I'll hopefully be using it this fall in MT. Question: I'm trying the 165gr Hornady GMX bullet, Nosler BT or the Hornady SST. Hornady says you can use conventional load data for the GMX and in so doing I am getting a compressed load at the Hodgdon start load of 53grs. I've been playing with the OAL to see where it won't compress. With this charge that length is at 3.290" and 3.300" for 54gr. I do see that using a conventional bullet a max charge of 59gr is compressed. Of course the GMX bullet is alot longer than even a 180gr bullet so I am concerned about it being a compressed load with a lesser charge and that I won't be able to get the velocity I want which is 2700-2800fps. What is your experience with this?
I am not a fan of monolithic bullet, so I can't offer much help.
I have heard of compressed loads pushing the bullet out some, tho I have never personally witnessed it. Maybe a slight crimp will prevent it.
case cappacity is definetly an issue, maybe try the 150gr gmx?
Antelope are pretty frail critters, I've seen some lightweight bullets make really big holes!
My personal favorite for the 30-06 is a 165gr Ballistic tip loaded with IMR4350.
good luck, and let us know how you fair. Those new M70's a really sweet!!!!!!
I'm also curious about your handle..... fellow mustang owner here :thumb
You didn't ask, but I'll tell you anyway. About the best cartridge around for antelope is the 25-06.
However, I use a 250 savage loaded with 100gr Hornady interlocks.