300 grains hornady SST

anyone use hornady 300 SST?
i just swithed to them. they sure are accurate in my gun with 2 t7 pills.
but i heard that they don't perform well on game.
i switched from buffalo 325 grains spitzers. my friend and i shot 4 deers
with them, all double lunged. they made it from 175 to 250 yard.
the bullet just punched a hole through without expansion.
too bad cause they were awfully accurate!
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Never tried the SST.

I shoot a hornady .45 xtp 300 grn .

My son shoots a .44 xtp 300 grn.

I buy the bullets and Sabots in bulk.

They both shoot very accurate and my son dropped a spike bull this year . This was our first year hunting Utah and using Muzzleloaders .
thanks and congrats to your son :thumb
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I cant beat my 300gr SST-ML Hornady's they shoot great and hold nice groups.