300 savage whats it worth?

My dad has passed along his Savage Arm lever action 300 savage (S) to me and I would like to see if anyone could tell me what it would be worth.
The scope is a junker..... I pulled off the Leupold for my sons gun.
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Looking at the third pic, is that a crack in the magazine area?

If the rifle is in good working condition- you can find them $250-$400 at any gun shop or at the gun sale sights.
If the magazine area is cracked that will knock the price down to a parts gun >$100.00

If you are look in separate with it, let me know what you are how much it will take to part with it, I might be interested.

M. Bird
Well, I have a little different take on it. I have not seen one go for under $500 and can range up to $700. For a good reference of what rifles are going for real world go to http://www.gunbroker.com and look at the rifles with active bids on them. Some of the vintage scopes can bring a premium as well

I have a 1899 my grandfather gave me in 303 Savage I will never part with. I still use it yearly during doe season just for nostalga and to remember him.

http://www.hunt101.com/data/500/medium/8475303_savage.JPG" alt="" />
M.Bird - Thanks, that mark is a very fine scratch. The flash picked it up. It will probably buff out. I my be interested in selling it, after I get a good feel for what it is worth.

Southwind - Good call with the web page!! I did find some other pages with auctions were the prices are about the same - Thanks!
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What ever you do, unless you need to put food on the table for your family, DON'T sell that gun.
Treasure it as a piece of history but more importantly as a piece of your Dad's past.
When the day comes you can pass it along to your son.
I wish I had something of my Grandfathers to remember.
Just my 2 cents.
i agree.... if you need to feed, dump it, otherwise keep it!
I have enough old guns to pay off my house, and I'd sell a few if I lost my job or something, otherwise they are locked up for when my boys/grandkids/great grandkids want them
We have the same gun and we were told in good condition(normal wear)...can be worth $600 to 700.....mint was $850.
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I have that exact gun. It was my grandpa's. It has never had a scope on it. I wouldn't sell that gun for anything. Way too much history. My grandpa traded a horse for it back in the day. He is the first and the last to ever shoot it. I take it out once a year and clean it. I've shared it with my kids. Whatever you do, don't sell it. It's a great gun.
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if it's a 99E, i'll give you 400 for it sight unseen. seen a lot of these shot out and when they were new, only went for 150.00 bucks. you can keep the scope. the value depends on when it was made (serial number) and the condition of the bluing. the .300's weren't known for being very accurate. there were more of these made and sold than anything other than the 30/30 winchester. the price for these over the last few years has been way over what they were worth. Savage started making them again, but you have to request them from the factory and they are now called a 99c. the winchesters have come down considerably in the last six months and they are not being produced anymore. there are other calibers that are more sought after than the .300.
if you do hang on to it, shoot it. don't save it for posterity. it really isn't one to leave sitting in the gun cabinet hoping for it to go up in value. as with anything it's only worth what someone's willing to pay for it. personally i can think of a whole lot of other rifles, brand new, i'd like to have for the same or less money. the first gun i ever killed an elk with was a .308 savage 99e and dummy me, i sold it cause someone asked me once upon a time when they saw it; "when was i going to buy a real gun if i was serious about hunting" . so i did. i killed a lot of critters with that son of a gun. being a left hander it was one of the few cheap choices available for a southpaw in those days. now i'm mostly into archery because i like the challenge and the greater likelihood of drawing a tag in some harder to draw areas. whatever you decide, remember, no matter what, it's not costing you anything to hang on to it. pm me if you still want to sell it.