300 Ultra Mag

One of my buddies that is coming out this fall to hunt with me is shooting a Remingtin 700 chambered in .300 Ultra Mag. Does anyone have any suggestions on good Accurate factory Ammunition that is suitable for Muleys and Elk? I appreciate any help in advance
Dude, that gun is HUNGRY.... Check out the Remington "Premier Core-Lokt Ultra Bonded" bullets.
He has tried those in the 180 Gr. but they just won't hold a group. I haven't bee there while he was shooting so he might be flinching? His Dad just got it for him so it is brand new so I don't think there is anything wrong with it or the scope. Just doesn't like that Ammo?
Try federal premium with the barnes TSX :thumb
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Yep, agree with the Fed's
I am going to guess a flinch, that thing has about 30ft/lbs of recoil, make a grown man flinch for sure.
All the factory ammo I've seen is loaded with quality, and usually premium, bullets. I would liken the recoil to a 300 mag. Its got more recoil them the 300 mag but it comes in a shove rather then a punch. I shot an ultra with and without a muzzle break and found it was very manageable with the break.
stay away from the 180 coreloktultra
tried it in mine and the bullet fragmented on the shoulder of a small whitetail buck at 285 yards
i was lucky enough that the deer was about 800y from the bush, he made it 600y
upon skinning it we removed what was left of the shoulder (nothing in fact) and i saw a small hole going in the ribcage. in there i found that a small fragment had punctured the first lung.
absolutely no blood even on the shoulder.

i had the same thing happen with the 150 scirrocco but at 100y.
but it is the most accurate factory load in 3 different rifles we have
now i load barnes 168 ttsx, will see how they perform this fall. they shoot .50" to .70" constantly at 100y and i tried a 3 shot group at 500 that turned at 4.51"
not bad with a burris 3-9x40 fullfield that as 8" of parallaxe at that distance

for factory stuff, i would definetly go with the fed. 180 tsx, or 180 tbbc
200 a frame are expansive but awesome, the 180 scirrocco would be a good choice too.