300 win mag favorite loads

The load I am currently using is 1 grain from Max according to the most recent Hornady reloading manual.

As of right now I been able to attain awesome accuracy in the 300 win mag using
Alliant Reloader RL-22 75 gr of powder with Hornady 180 gr Interbonds seated to standard specs.

Federal magnum primer and Hornady Brass have also used Remington brass and gotten very good results, but seems to group just a tiny bit tighter with NEW Hornady Brass.

What are your'e favorite 300 Win Mag loads?
Springville Shooter
I like the RL 22 powder for the 300 win as well. I like 78.0 grns behind a 168 barnes TSX. I always start with this load for people with light rifles and no muzzle breaks as it performs well with alot less felt recoil than the 180 grn bullets. I have gotten great accuracy with a little less velocity from 7828, some guns love this powder.----shooter
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I am planning on trying H-4350 pushing a 180 Nosler Accubond. Still cannot locate any IMR 4350 or RL-22. CJ

I just got a bunch in and primers too.

Chris, are you shopping locally or are you looking through mail order?

You should be able to order it through a few sites, I have seen it available lately but you will need to order enough to make it worth while because of the shipping.
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I actually just picked up a few pounds of each the other night. I also decided to get some 185gr. Berger VLD's and see how they group. Using Winchester Brass and WLR mag primers. CJ
Springville Shooter
Just something that I noticed with two of my rifles with the VLD bullets; I didn't get the best 100yd groups, 3/4 out of my 300, but group size was alot better at 300 and 400 yds. You might want to shoot some longer range groups to see the value of these phenominal bullets.----shooter
makes sense as these bullets are used a lot in long range shooting
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The guy I talked with from Berger said the same thing about not grouping great at 100 yds. They talk about their bullets needing to "go to sleep" and shoot better at the longer ranges. I'm excited to try them at the range this weekend. I will start with brand new Norma brass, but will neck size only when I start fine tuning the load to my brand new Savage 116. I didn't need a new one, but just had to have the new "Accu-stock." This is my 1st 300 mag. 30/06 has been my baby for 15 plus years. CJ
Nosler 125g BT 78g IMR4350 (not recommended for shooting something you plan on eating)
Nosler 180g PT 71.5g IMR4350 (chet's favorite moose medicine)
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That's kinda funny. I shoot 71 grains of IMR 4350 and have used that load for 20 years, and I also shoot 180 grain partitions. I've tried several other loads and bullets but always come back to this one. Might not be the most modern or glitzy, but it has never failed me.
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I found a load the other night for my 700 classic 300 win. mag. With rem brass, 185 vld, 76gr H4831, 3 shot group at 100 yds made a hole that a dime could cover, The other (my wifes 700 classic) did almost the same group with 77gr H4831 but with 180 balistic tip.
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I've been shooting 75 grains of IMR 7828 SSC behind a 168 grain Barnes. Tipped Tripleshock.
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Barnes 200gr lrx
Rl26 72grs
Federal 215 primer
.050 of the lands
Norma brass