300 WIN MAG...testing a new round..Results added!

I purchased a remington model 700 with stainless barrel last year.I shot several different rounds to see what it liked..150gr Fail safes,150gr hornady SST,150gr core lokts,150gr Winchester power points,and the best out of my gun was a 165gr Nosler Ballistic tipped round from Ga arms(A custom reload from a company here in Ga).Which is unfortunately out of stock so I decided to try a new load.

So looking around I found that federal had some 130gr Barnes tipped triple-shock x bullets.That was appealing because a 130gr bullet would be great for flat shooting at long range antelope,or deer and hogs.

Here is the claim
The all-copper design of the Barnes® Triple-Shock® platform allows you to load a lighter bullet and push it to incredible speeds. The Tipped TSX is built for the highest weight retention, rapid expansion and is only available in the Hyper-Velocity loads from Federal Premium®.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0429.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0430.jpg" alt="" />

I ranged 100yds,and first pull of the trigger found it's mark basically 1.25" high from center of my mark.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0431-1.jpg" alt="" />

So I left it there.I think it's good..The main thing that matters to me is "on game" performance...so I am heading to the woods to try and test it out on hogs.I will post my results as soon as I am lucky.I just figured I would post this here incase anyone else was looking for a different load,or a lighter bullet for their 300 win mag.
Springville Shooter
Here piggy piggy, I think that load will work great. You should enjoy the lighter recoil as well. ---------------SS
I am sure it will perform great! Like I have said before I doubt I will ever shoot another bullet for big game.
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"sneekeepete" wrote:I am sure it will perform great! Like I have said before I doubt I will ever shoot another bullet for big game.
You've already tried this bullet out?Or the TSX?
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I went out with my youngest son today to test out the round.After a few hours finally stumbled up on 2 small hogs.A 40,and 50 pounder.I took a 117yd shot on the bigger of the 2,and he dropped in his tracks.Double lung shot.

I could talk about it all day but a picture says a thousand words right..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0432.jpg" alt="" />

Entrance is bullet sized,but don't let that fool you!I peeled back the hide to show you.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0435.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0439-1.jpg" alt="" />

The exit

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0440.jpg" alt="" />

So far so good!
Springville Shooter
That's what happens when a bullet crashes into a rib at about 3100fps or so. Imagine if that had been a ballistic tip. Major carnage for sure. --------------SS
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"Springville Shooter" wrote:That's what happens when a bullet crashes into a rib at about 3100fps or so. Imagine if that had been a ballistic tip. Major carnage for sure. --------------SS
LOL..Fortunately I didnt ruin the backstraps or shoulders,and of course the hams were fine since it was no where near them..I can't wait to see what it does on a large boar.This round is becoming a favorite very quickly. 10sign:
I used the TSX for about 5 years. Then last year I loaded up some 168 Gr. TTSX for Mule Deer and Elk. Both my spike and my buck from 2009 didn't take a single step after I shot. They dropped in their tracks. IMO you have an awesome hunting bullet.
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Went after work today and found a few good spots.I had to check one of them again at dark I liked it so much.In the mean time I scouted other places,and decided to check a spot I found the other day..

As soon as I got there I hit paydirt...5 or 6 of em..all good eaters..I picked out the brown one decided to test the barnes on a headshot..whop!Pigs everywhere..I thought I missed for a second but no way!I cut the group off and picked one more out..WHOP!Dropped in his tracks..I went looking everywhere for the brown one,and couldn't find it..Finally I decided to go back where it was standing..and there she was..lol..she had dropped in her tracks too..Pics are not good..only had my cell with me today..

Bullet went in the left side of the skull and exited behind it in the neck..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/p1.jpg" alt="" />

The 2nd one was hit back a little,but exited in the far shoulder..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/p2.jpg" alt="" />

So I loaded them up..

Headed to the super hot spot I found..I got there with 30 minutes of light left..As soon as I got there I found a dozen or so hogs..none under 70 pounds!Several big boars..They were fighting.I couldn't decide what to do because I love colors and there were 3 grey ones there..don't see many that color here..But when I saw 2 of the boars fight,and the 3rd one whip the winner of that match I knew which one to try.He was a beast..I had a solid prop and everything..But he was walking at about 100yds..I let it rip,and it sounded like a hard thump..all of them took off and I picked out one of the grey ones running,and folded him up at 110yds on the run!Hit him behind the shoulder and it exited the neck...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/p3.jpg" alt="" />

I noticed one of the big hogs was running straight ahead full steam while the rest of the pack turned and went to the swamp.It had to be the 1st one I shot so I tried a running shot on him again at about 150yds and I guess I missed.

I looked and looked for him..NOTHING!I just can't believe I missed with a good solid prop..I'm hitting everything else!?!?It's aggravating me..I will go back and look some more..If I find him I will try to determine if it was my shot or if the bullet didn't do the job..We are talking a seriously thick..solid boar..the ultimate test on a rifle around here.I would rather have missed completely..I have to believe I did since 4 of the 5 I have shot dropped in their tracks,but he is 5x the size of them,so we will see..If I'm going to lose big boars with this bullet it isn't going to make the cut..

From what I am seeing the bullet pretty much blows through them at less than 50yds,not expanding as much as it does when it slows...but at around 100 its slowing some,and makes some pretty good holes..Does that even make sense??
Looking at the damage you would think it was a ballistic tip that hit the hog, absolutly devastating round you have there.
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Well,,sad news,and good news I guess.I did get the big boar.Evidently during the confusion of 12+ hogs running in all directions,and trying to pick off a 2nd hog(taking my eyes off of the initial target) #-o I had not noticed that he went in a totally different direction than I thought..

First off..The bullet hit perfectly.He ran 165yds from where I shot him.When I looked for the exit I found an "X" where the bullet came out.The shield was so thick it sealed up behind the bullet leaving no blood trail.This is typical.However this was not a typical boar.I have a picture of a 2 liter bottle standing up and he is wider {shoulder to shoulder} than the bottle is tall.He was larger than any other boar I have taken.The point being..that I have shot boars 30-50lb smaller than him at point blank(2ft) for finishing shots..in their shoulders through their shields with winchester 150gr power points in my 30-06,and with 12ga slugs..and seen them not pass through.So this bullet definately penetrates deeper.

It's so hard to blood trail a big boar that has been hit like this.I am upset because I was within 50yds of him at one point,and didn't know it.I took some pics of him,but I am not going to post them because he was decomposing.If anyone wants to see I will pm it to them.

So the barnes 130gr TTSX is 5 for 5.This is the 2nd hog in 23 years that I have not found after making a fatal shot on them.I am very upset with myself...I just don't see how the bullet could be blamed.It is very hard for any bullet to make it through a big boar this size(the TTSX did though),much less make a big exit wound through a tough shield.

Hopefully I will get some more results next week.
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I went out this afternoon after I got off at 3pm.At 6pm we had a rain shower,and I knew it would get them moving.The temp today was 97 with a heat index of 108!I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.I saw a nice sow with about 7 or 8 smaller ones.I slipped in position,and had 2 walking in my lap so I decided to pull a double.They were side by side.The one in the back stopped first and put his head down,I put the crosshairs behind his head,and then the closest one blocked my view..when her shoulder hit the crosshairs I pulled the trigger..Both hogs DRT!

It went through both of them.Absolutely devastating.I'm not sure if it is ok to post the holes on these,but I will post a pic of them.If anyone wants to see what type of damage this round does shoot me a pm.7 for 7 now with the 130gr barnes TTSX!

Bottom hog was hit first..

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v673/ranchand99/IMG_0027-1.jpg" alt="" />
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If it was a double wouldnt it be 7 hogs for 6 shots? Just trying to up your stats and make it sound way better.
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"needs_recoil" wrote:If it was a double wouldnt it be 7 hogs for 6 shots? Just trying to up your stats and make it sound way better.
Actually I missed 1 on the run {my 3rd consecutive shot on the same group of hogs}when I doubled the other day making it 7 shots/7 hogs{the day I lost track of the big one when I got greedy ..took my eyes of him,and hit the small grey one running},but as far as connecting yes 7 hogs with 6 bullets...lol
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Well either way impressive shooting and very nice results.
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I have the same exact rifle and have found that the 165 grains absolutely sing out of that rifle! 1/2 inch groups at 400 yards with my 165 grain loads. Awesome hunt!! :thumb
Those are some tasty critters right there :thumb
i have a 300 WM as well and for big game i reload 180 gr nosler accubonds with 78.0 gr of RL 22 powder in a remington brass. and at 200 yds i was shooting 1 inch groups, 400 yds i was shooting 1.2 inch groups. The thing ive found with this cartridge( and its just my opinion) but the bullet takes so long to stabilize which is why shorter yardage groups arent as close but the groups dont expand much because the bullet stabilizes as it goes out farther. if that makes any sense to anyone. those are some really nice hogs and id like to hear how your 300 does out farther than a couple hundred yards.