315 score

First week of july I decide to put cuddeback camera, waited and collect all pictures of bulls, cows, etc. Every place it didnt turn out good until find a right spot and know there is good hunting area. Sept 8th I went hunting bowing. 3 cow walk by me 20 ft. no bull yet. next day and for 2 days I waited and making cow calls many times no luck nothing. so I went home and then 4th day I went back at 4pm every day after work only seen cows coming but no bull coming to me while I am trying make a cow calls. I personal (DEAF) and I been hunting 15 years and it was so hard for me to not hear where bugle come from or cow calls. I became very very patiently every year to be became better hunter. so then I checked cuddeback pictures each night before I leave home. there is two very nice bulls STILL around. I was mad that I couldnt hear any bugle calls while I was making cow calls. So on 15th sept I was out hiding and making cow calls and finially 30 cows came by and I kept wait and make some few cows again and again, 2by 2 bull ran up to herd and I draw bow at 60 yards steady holding and thinking in my mind say NO NO.... Remember to prove I am great hunter. so I didnt release arrow and let him go. so I watched them playing around for 30 min.
next day I come back nothing for 4 days I look up my card from cuddeback, they were not around. I was upset about this. I believe some other hunter have push them away. on 20th which is one more day deadline season closing on sept 21 evening. I been working every day and get some chance to hunt. It was sometime hard when I have a little daugther and wife. I tried so hard to spend time with them and feel frustrate that I didnt get some chance to hunt. but I am thankful for what I can do some of my time to hunt. I am thankful that my wife will patient wait for me to come home and talk about stories. We meet at resturant after work around 4pm and ate with my family. We decide to go home and I text my wife can I go hunt for little. she said go ahead come home safe. so I went out hiking to my spot and wait there around 530pm I made a calling cows sound many times. for 1 hour later around 630 still nothing I was wonder what am I supposed to do here if I am deaf, I cant hear any sound of calls or snapp sticks by walking, or is there another hunter out around making calls too? may be wrong spot for me then I all sudden notice 2 cows coming so I freeze myself to be very QUIET and make 1 low cow and surprised BULL ran curve seem MAD BULL and he was bugling sooo many times shake his rack on ground and run around cows coming toward to me and I draw my bow and figure distance my guess between 40 to 50 he kept raning and bugle and walking around cows and bugle. make me sooo excited and said to me self BE THINK HARD! foucs on what I need to do. I had my cow call in my mouth holding waiting and he walk toward away from me and I make little hard cow call he turn stop there at between 45yd so I stand up SOFTLY because I was behind a stump couldnt move left. so I raise myself over stump and aim at him perfectly spot He start to find what he was looking at so I loose my arrow it hit above lung which I was wrong it was supposed to be 40 DANG so I stand and making cow calls and calls he was ran down 80 yds stand there for 20 min so I back out and go home get my light and helmet lights in case it get dark and bring my wife and daugther. I went back after wait one hour, my wife and I looking for blood trail. Found first spot and lay pink ribbon on branchs and keep going and keep going I suspected it didnt hit lung so I was start to worried. I keep trying and trying looking HARDER for long trail of blood. it was very tiny. like 10 spots of cherrio size. Also found many wet drops from mouth show me they are suffering. so I kept stay on trail of where bull walking and past 400 yards from shot, I told my wife D%$# it it was not good shot so she said keep trying. she called her dad at 10pm dark and ask him to come out help and bring more lights. He said NAH GOTTA sleep. he said I will come out in morning. I said no way.. I dont want to waste one of bull out forest. I want to find him so later at 11 30 my wife said I gotta go home I am tired and daugther is tired. so we leave all ribbon trails back to our truck and go home drop off and I measured distance last ribbon was about almost less 3/4 mile so I talked to laura what do you think. she said YOU better try hard may be. so I said ok I will try hard and not taking any sleep. so I bring more battery for lights. so I went back and bring my bow which I was smarter in case if still alive. so I walking down to last ribbon and contiune looking it getting HARD to find some bloods but I notice few foams of wet mouth on plants so this help me a lot and sweaty from shock. it hits some plants make me better to contiune. After 2am almost 6 to 7 hours trying soo hard I kept smell Elk scents and I know they are somewhere . I believe my shot was not good hit but it was perfect stright to lung but may be in my mind picture where arrow was hit when he ran. I believe it was few inches high than lung. So I was very tired and frustrate. so I keep walking and looking so hard for more blood spots. and I kept looking with flash light and ALL SUDDEN I saw two EYES I freeze my self and I have a helmet light on also I put my flash light in my wallet and load my bow ready to aim and walk forward to what is out there. I wasnt sure what EYE was. I was almost 30 yards THIS BULL WAS sitting and trying get up Look sooooo PAINFUL so I walk little forward to 20 yards and I aim and make a good 2ND arrow loose in to liver he start to ran 40 yards STUBBORN BULL kept runnning away from ME! Make me mad. so FINIALLY he dropped and died with in 15 min after 2nd shot. so I walked to him THANK LORD that I found him. I am very proud of my self for not GIVING UP on finding him.
I Look at my GPS and Set a bull spot. so I went back to my truck it said on gps was 1 mile and half from shot to dead. I was shocked ubelieveable since 630 till 3 what a HELL night and call my wife thur text and she come back with trailer and drive around on gps see if I can get short cut and FOUND a better way to get thur and LUCKY we got there I THANK FOR GPS. This is my 3rd bull with in 15 years. you gotta to be patient and enjoy hunting, dont give up on trailing blood. It can be hard. but make all of us better hunter!
I want to thank u all for your time to read my story. I hope you all have a great hunting season.

chat with you later..
mulybow. :thumb
Congrats on a great bull. Way to go keeping on the blood trail. Good to see you did not give up. Thanks for the story as well. If you have him mounted make sure you post some pics of the final mount.

Congrats again, and welcome to the madness.
Mulybow, That was a great story of your hunt. Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us. I'm very thankful that you found your bull. Sounds like you have a great and understanding wife. Way to stick with it until you found him. It looks like you made a great shot on that bull afterall. Congrats again and we appreciate the photo.
Great bull and a great story of sticking with it! Congrats!

Very nicely done, looks like you put in your homework and it paid off big time. Congrats on a FINE animal, thanks for sharing your story and photo.

I'd be very happy with him, and a bow makes it all that much tougher.
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Thank you all and DeadI of course I am mount full head. :thumb I will take pic after I got it back.

Gotta go hunting MULE :arrow . Hopefully get one soon. lets see....

mulybow, great story, great persistance, and an AWESOME BULL!!

That is a slamming bull. great job on the tracking. Good luck on your next hunt.
Great bull and even better story!
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Hey I just got my bull from taxid buddy did really good job! =D> I got put up my bull on wall today! :)

Looks GREAT! This your house or a cabin?
Dang nice looking mount, and it looks awsome on that wall. Nice job again.
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Hey Muleymadness, its not a cabin. Its our home on 7 acres. We live in middle of 100,000 acres of watershed Fully Forest and Fenced. About 12 miles from town to our ranch. Its one of most beauitful forest area in washington. They will never cut down trees or build any house for over 100 years. It was use for water to supply to Big Cities. I rather live in UTAH. :-$ So I can hunt with ya! smile.. :thumb

Wow, I just read your story and I have to say you humbled me!!! What I take for granite is truly a blessing, You have overcome a handicap by harvesting a magnificent trophy, and to pull together your skills and knowledge to be able to track your bull and find him is by far one of the hardest things to do in the archery field with a mis-placed arrow, we have all done it and will at some time do it again. Thanks so much for this story and pictures...... your bull looks AWESOME!!

Good luck in the future.

:not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy

PS If you ever make it to Utah, you can hunt with me anytime!!
mulybow, Looks like you have a beautiful place. That bull looks great in your great room. Thanks again for sharing your hunt with us. =D>
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Buckmaster, Thank u, I would have never be a hunter but I learned a lot from Tim and Dennis those two greatest hunter have taught me a lot of good way about hunting. I start hunting when I was first in highschool about 11 grade. I first shot rifle 1x1 mule deer. it was GREAT feeling. later I learned a lot how animals live and where they live everyday. I have been travel all over washington and know where locates. I used to use rifle until I graduate and quit rifle then use bow and love it a lot. HONEST I have lost few deer and Elk. I was totally sad when I give up on serach and cant find it after I bow it. I know everyone lost some out there. two years ago I woke up in morning and went out hunting for mule deer and I saw a nice 5 by 4 mule about 70 yds I pulled and released the deer start to walk forward it hit in the butt. OH NO!!! :>/ here what he do ran off and 1 hour later I went down and tracked it found arrow. I was surprised Mule reached his mouth to arrow and PULL IT OUT his own mouth I am not lying. I cant believe. I will take picture of arrow to see how mouth pull it out. and walked for few hundred and blood got less and less so. it sucks when it happens. so I learned one thing to not Pull bow more than 50 yds and I have let some good ones go becasue they are more than 50 yds and it make me feel better that I know they will be around later and not end up dying out in forest. I was lucky that Bull got a lot of mouth foams dripps from pain laying on plants make better tracking for me plus some bloods. it never alway a good hunter but it sometime a good time and sometime bad time. I will take a picture of arrow from two years ago never forget that one! gotta try take good pic.
anyway thanks.

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Buckmaster, Hey I want to let u know that I am not completely handicap. Only one problem is my ear that I cant hear well PLEASE LORD FIX MY EAR cuz So I can hunt with my hounds more often! I really depends on my frineds or buddy to go with to hunt cougar, bobcat..I cannot go myself so my frined can listen the barks and track with my radio track system etc... I am completely normal like everybody. Nothing wrong with me. :thumb

hey look at deer bowing section about arrow.
Looks like the perfect place to put that bull!
Very nice! Congrats....he looks great there. :thumb
Congrats good to see you staring young Way to go nice bull.