1/30/12 2:20pm
Any one have any experience with the 338-378
I shoot the Barnes 225 gr. Triple shock over a charge of 102.5 grains of N165, giving me a MV of just over 3000fps. As mentioned above, when it comes to loading for it, it does take a lot of powder, but to me, it's worth it!
Ever think that maybe he bought the rifle to use on a wide variety of game from whitetail to moose or grizzly?
Maybe he bought it because it is rather flat shooting with good down range ballistics for the long shots? I know this goes against everything some of the old timers believe in, and yet they will still lob a bullet out of their Tirdy-Tirdy (30-30) lever action with a side mount scope at a deer 450 yards away. Never understood that....
As far as finding ammo, it isn't that difficult. Many will prefer to handload anyway.
RL25 @ 111grains. over redline With the same bullet, i've seen this round give better 1500yard groups compaired to the 338LM
The 30-378 witch i hunt with bench shoot with and gopher hunt with.
RL25 @ 112 Grains witch is over red line with a 180 Grain Custom bullet. It will shoot 4-6 inches at 1000 if the conditions are right
But with in large case the cases are spendy bullets are not cheap and powder your dumping in them you could reload 2 1/2 308 cases.
All in all you have to decide what you want to shoot, how much you want to spend, how much work you want to put into it, and most of all what you will injoy.
A good 300 win mag will give just as good or better groups at just about any given range up to 1300 yards, and is alot more nicer to the shoulder. and pocket book.