5 Day Deer Rifle Hunt in utah 2010

Here's a link to the SLC trib showing some of the changes approved for 2010.....

I think that it is pretty cool news about another sheep unit. Especially when Desert Bighorn numbers have been decreasing. That is good news. As far as changing to a statewide 5 day hunt I have very mixed feelings. I think that is will be good that hunters will only be in the feild for one week. I personally think that our deer herds need a break from all the pressure. I think that bad part will be that it will be forcing hunters to take that one weekend to be in the field with every other hunter which is going to make things pretty crowded.
Just a few of my thoughts.
Sheep hunts is AWESOME news!! 10sign:

Deer hunt date change back to 5 days is a bit embarrassing IMO. Makes it look like the DWR doesn't have a clue what it's doing in managing Mule Deer. 9 day to 5 day, then back to 9 day for 1 year and then back to 5 day. Makes perfect sense right?? NOT IMO, lets be consistent here and get the facts strait and not manage for politics or money. Lets manage for Mule Deer herds success.
I agree with you Brett. DWR needs to manage for the best of our deer herds not whats best for their pockets. IMO they need to cut tag numbers in my area to releive pressure on the herd. They are getting pressured from August through January with all the hunts that are going on! Give the animals a little break for a few years....
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I'm guessing they are doing this because of the changes in 2011. Since we will have a early/late season hunt, they will probably be 5 day'ers.
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I guess taking a week off work as a vaction to go deer hunting and camping is going going gone for rifle hunters in Utah. The area I hunt has seen a steady improvement in deer numbers and buck quality since it burned 8 years ago. Why are they manageing the whole state like it needs more trophy deer? These are general units to be hunted by the masses not trophy areas. If you want to hunt quality apply for the LE units.
If a unit is in trouble I understand 5 days somehow I don't think the whole state is in trouble. How did the trophy hunters get so much power in Utah? Are they the squeeky wheel?
"yak4fish" wrote:I guess taking a week off work as a vaction to go deer hunting and camping is going going gone for rifle hunters in Utah. The area I hunt has seen a steady improvement in deer numbers and buck quality since it burned 8 years ago. Why are they manageing the whole state like it needs more trophy deer? These are general units to be hunted by the masses not trophy areas. If you want to hunt quality apply for the LE units.
If a unit is in trouble I understand 5 days somehow I don't think the whole state is in trouble. How did the trophy hunters get so much power in Utah? Are they the squeeky wheel?
If we all hunted for trophies we would all shoot only trophies.

Its herd managment, thats there job and I'm sure they are doing it for good reason, just like you know your job I'm sure they know theres. It may suck for us now but if we score later we will all be thanking them.
"MuleyMadness" wrote: Makes it look like the DWR doesn't have a clue what it's doing in managing Mule Deer. .
Brett, they don't have a clue on many things. They wanted to continue the delayed start on the 5 day units again this year. It did not work and created over hunting on those units but the DWR is so hard headed they wanted to see what their data said first. The RACs and WB and SFW was flooded with complaints about the increased pressure but still the DWR would not listen. What about the new Zion sheep herd. The DWR had no clue that there was that many sheep in the area. Talk about imbarrassing. :>/ Thank you SFW and the Wildlife Board for stepping in and making the right decisions. =D>
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"ridgetop" wrote:. What about the new Zion sheep herd. The DWR had no clue that there was that many sheep in the area. Talk about imbarrassing. :>/
Haha thats so true, I didnt even think about it that way until I read you post. =D>
Wasatch Wonder
Although the Utah DWR is far from perfect, they are doing a much better job at managing herds than other western states. The number of trophies harvested speaks for itself. Utah has by far the most trophy bulls harvested in the last 9 years. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt many times and understand that sometimes they do make mistakes, but for the most part they are making great progress. With that being said, I don't agree that dropping the general deer hunt to 5 days will do that much for the herds. The majority of the bucks are shot opening weekend anyway. I'm sure this one won't be permanent.
Is it just me or is the DWR making it more and more embarrassing to be a hunter in Utah? When I was younger I swore that nothing could ever make me stop hunting. I'm not so sure anymore..... There comes a point where the cons outweigh the pros......
"State wildlife biologists say there is no indication that going from a nine-day to a five-day season reduces the number of animals taken."

So what is the point exactly then? (???) (???)
It kinds of pisses me of since we who hunt in the vernal unit had a five day hunt last year they made it a 3 day hunt next year! Thats total b.s. if you ask me.
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I think this is so dumb. It does nothing to help the deer populations recover. The same amount of hunters go out no matter what. This is why I try not to hunt rifle anymore. If something happens in your unit during your hunt and its five days your out of luck, you dont have any time to go to another area. Last time I hunted southern it was a two weekend hunt. We went to our normal unit and got skunked than the second weekend we went to another unit and got a ton of snow and there were deer everywhere. Then the next year they moved it to a five day hunt and there were people everywhere. I like the idea of a two weekend hunt, its way less crowded.
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Im not trying to say that any of you are wrong or that im right.. I dont think there is enough scientific proof to prove if a 5 day hunt is better or not. But speaking from my own experience and the number of deer and trophy animals I have seen, I believe that the 5 day hunt is very productive in helping the numbers and quality of the deer herd. In the time that the 5 day hunt was instituted in southern Utah I have seen a drastic change. That is just my opinion, but hopefully the DWR can do a complete study (and an accurate one :) ) So we can all find out if it helps or not. Im sure if the numbers proved it we would all be in favor of a 5 day hunt.
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From what I see from my porch [In the back ground} the five day was really starting to help.
I think the 9 day this year my have brought the buck to doe ratio down some.
The over all population seems to be up.
This years fawn crop is excellent.
Percentage of older deer still way better that five years ago.
I say stay at five day rifle.
Cut way back on archery days{Sorry}.
Cut back a little on over all tags.
The potential for a fantastic herd is definitely there.

http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj35/blaineburn/muleys/muley1812.jpg" alt="" />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj35/blaineburn/muleys/muley166.jpg" alt="" />
http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj35/blaineburn/muleys/muley1622-1.jpg" alt="" />http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj35/blaineburn/muleys/muley1112.jpg" alt="" />
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Any units with less than 15 bucks per 100 does will be a 3 day hunt. If the DWR wants to get serious about hunt quality, then go state wide 4pt or better. End of story. Reduce the number of tags given per year until your objective is met. Problem is..... they still want our money.
More and more money for tags and less quality of deer and now less days to hunt them. Nothin like flying by the seat of your pants, huh boys....... :>/
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"Lookin 4 a Big 1" wrote:Problem is..... they still want our money.
More and more money for tags and less quality of deer and now less days to hunt them. Nothin like flying by the seat of your pants, huh boys....... :>/
Goofy Elk
Castnshot, Nice pics......

They are going to let youth hunters 18 and younger hunt the full nine days.........
My oldest boy is excited...Here's the latest DWR news link on the changes.

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So you will not have to choose your region for archery next year? That would be awesome!
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All of you should check your facts a little More, It was not the DWR that Proposed this change it was Don Peay, and Don Peay Only. The Board approved this Change.The DWR Did not want to go to 5 Day hunts. All of RACS voted to keep the DWR Recomendations which was a 9 day hunt. You can thanks Don Peay and SFW for the 5 Day hunt.
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I Don't know about you all I just signed up 20 newley adopted teenagers for hunter safty lol
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You speak untruth! :>/ The Southern and Southeastern RAC did vote for a 5 day season. In fact they begged for it to be brought back. I wish Don really had that much power, then maybe we would have a decent deer herd. Know your facts before pipe off! =;
I've been against some of Don Peays ideas in the past but I have to say. Thank you Don. =D> Glad to see the delayed 5 day hunt dropped and put as a three day hunt. Now I can only hope my unit goes L.E. [-o<
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I did post this thought on another thread, but thought it appropriate to post here as well.
It's a bit different but if you've read it already, pass it bye. Thanks for your patience...

Some of your comments sadden me my friends. Nothing personal, I've seen the propaganda before and I can tell you "That dog don't hunt". Maybe it is because I find myself as part of a generation who has different priorities. Maybe our time and opinions have run their course. This may be an effort by myself, to selfishly use this forum in a desperate attempt to return to a time or conditions which I remember to be described as brighter days. Maybe you'll have to trust me when I say "I just know better". You see when I was a teen, I remember a time in the 70's and 80's when some 200,00 Utah hunters were in the field hunting. A time when local sporting goods stores such as Sunset Sports and Wolfs had statewide "Big Buck Contests" where the winners won a brand new Jeep, hunting rifles, shopping spree's ect. It seemed like there were plenty of good bucks to go around back then. Hunting was a family tradition. Schools were out on the friday before the deer hunt because the schools knew that a majority of the students would not be present anyway. All centered around two great traditions; families and hunting.

Then it happened. The powers that be decided a couple of things that would forever change the landscape of Utah hunting traditions.

1st they decided to prioritize the quality of the elk herds at the expense of the deer herds. Old timers had great concern. They worried that the quality of Mule Deer herds would suffer in exchange for a limited entry opportunity to hunt elk. They also thought that they might only realize one chance to hunt a limited entry elk in a lifetime. That theory will prove true for some people based on the odds calculated and waiting period needed to succeed in more than one draw cycle. They were not in favor of the trade off. They lost. No one heeded warning.

2nd In an attempt to address the quality of Mule Deer opportunities, they reduced the number of mule deer tags to 90,000 and made hunters pick their weapon. They also made them pick their region of choice and limited the number of hunters one could have in his group. Many hunters and families were furious. They new that this could well be the end of their family tradition. They went away ticked off! The continued tradition of family hunting took a huge blow. Younger generations were no longer being taught the reverence and enjoyment of hunting and family tradition coupled as one. Many of our past and future hunting brothers and sisters were and have been lost as a result of the decision.

Now we're being led to believe this is the next great fix. There will be some trophy hunters who will be happy if there are less hunters in the field to compete with that is true. Shorten the hunts, "great they say, it is what is needed to achieve quality in our deer herds, well worth the sacrifice". Maybe true, maybe not.....

It is my concern that they are going to just tick more people off and turn them away from holding on to hunting traditions. Hell, it ticks me off! Hunting and family are two traditions that together have stood the test of time. Take family out of the equation and hunting may be the thing we all lose. How many families will stop hunting this year because of this decision? I have been told by some friends their done! They will instead take their family fishing at the Berry for a week from now on, instead of hunting. You see the thing that makes hunters strong and our voices heard is our numbers. As foolish decisions continue to be made, our numbers decline and the sport of hunting may be the real loser. Keep chopping away at the hunting tree, and some day that tree may fall.

The issue may be cloaked and we may be miss directed by issues like winter kill, predation, road kill, and deminishing winter feeding grounds, and yes...QUALITY. They are all things that need to be looked at, and addressed I would agree. But don't get it twisted...... For heck sakes, don't be convinced that you can milk a bull.

I think the thing that we need to ask ourselves is this.........
Can this sport survive by itself, with out being linked to the tradition of family? I say no.
Without family tradition how do we create the passion and numbers needed to fight off non-hunting legislation? We can't

I will stop my rant with this thought....
There are many ways to improve the quality of mule deer hunting, other than a 3 or five day hunts. Three (3) point or better units, or statewide four (4) point or better regulations are both options. How about this; You can only harvest three (3) bucks in a five (5) year period, take your pick. None of these options keep families from enjoying a nine (9) day hunt in the field and I still believe that you could achieve better quality. I don't care who proposed this new reg, Don Paey, the wildlife board, whoever, I could care less. I just wish they understood that there are more important things to consider about hunting, than harvesting a big buck.

Family is the common denominator to the future of the sport of hunting. If we lose that.....
What are the ramifications, that's all I ask you to consider.........

Thanks for your patience and good hunting,
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"Muley_73" wrote:Top Pin

You speak untruth! :>/ The Southern and Southeastern RAC did vote for a 5 day season. In fact they begged for it to be brought back. I wish Don really had that much power, then maybe we would have a decent deer herd. Know your facts before pipe off! =;
I know my facts Bro,
Ask anybody on the wildlife board who proposes the state wide five day hunt. (In the KSL article wrtitten about the subject they come out and said it was on the recomendations of SFW no the DWR). IT was not the DWR, it was don peay, Maybe the southern region racs wanted it but the other three did not, so the DWR would not propose it. Don peay does have that kind of power if you do not believe that then you are a Idiot. Call Anis and ask him what his proposals were, he'll tell you it was for 9 day seasons