50 Yard Groups
8/16/07 2:12pm
Hello all,
I am a newbie to the forum as well as archery and in fact have only been shooting for about 7 months now, but was curious to know what everyone considers a respectable group at 50 yards? Let's see some targets to prove it! Thanks in advance..
I am a newbie to the forum as well as archery and in fact have only been shooting for about 7 months now, but was curious to know what everyone considers a respectable group at 50 yards? Let's see some targets to prove it! Thanks in advance..
I kind of chuckled a little when I read your post, especially the part about proving it. I have not had the need to prove anything in my life for a couple of decades so I am going to assume you are younger than me.
I practice at 50 yards not so I can take shots at animals at 50 yards but because it exposes any flaws I may have in my form. If I had my druthers I would shoot all my game animals with a bow within 10 yards. To me one of the biggest draws to archery hunting is how close I can get.
Now, for me my own self imposed limit on distance for deer sized animals is 40 yards. On elk I would take a fifty yard shot given all the conditions were right to do it.
Having written all this because you asked, I am posting a picture of my 50 yard target. It is a 7" pie plate on a round bail that just happens to be 50 yards off my deck which makes it very convenient. My goal is to hit all my arrows on the plate and I love the sound it makes when it hits because it that whack you hear when you have connected on an animal. I will actually practice out to 70 yards but that is purely for my own entertainment.
I shoot groups worse than this and shoot groups better than this but if I'm hitting all my arrows on the plate I'm happy. I could not even begin to tell you what a good standard would be to expect but this is mine.