6 Elk Hunting Secrets

Use the Right Equipment

When it comes to big game, we want to cause as little suffering as possible. For this purpose, we must use the appropriate caliber for these big deer. Which size should we use then?

The ideal bullet size causes substantial hydrostatic shock inside the organs and tissues that is similar to the waves produced when you throw a stone into a pond.

Popular calibers for Elk hunting

7mm mag
.300 mag
.338 mag

Practice 300-yard shots in the field

Most beginners, who usually practice in the city, place their targets at very short distances (within 100 yards, an unrealistic and unsuitable distance for real life hunting). At three times that distance, the force of gravity becomes an important factor to consider.

Ask a farmer for permission to practice in his land to test how your rifle behaves in the long distance with static targets.
Then, go a step further and start shooting varmints and moving targets.

For a Perfect Shot, Learn Anatomy

Perfect shots can only be possible if we know the anatomy of the animal. At the very least, we must visualize the location of the heart.

Broadside elks offer the ideal angle. Conversely, a rear-end shot should be avoided, because the heart is hidden behind the rear legs. Muscle tissue and bones in the hindquarters and hips protect almost all the vital areas.

Aim at the Lungs

The heart lies between the lungs. Since lungs are bigger than the heart, they offer an easier target. If you hit both lungs, the bullet will enter the heart as well. The red spot in the image indicates the location of the heart. Wait until the animal moves forward the front leg on your side and aim behind the shoulder to avoid the shoulder bone.

Of course, to aim at such a tiny target hundreds of yards away, you will have to…

… Use a Scope

Good scopes are waterproof (trust us, you do not want to aim at the heart of a male elk through a foggy lens). Four of five powers are OK.

Don’t Shoot!

… unless you have good shot. Complying with tip #3, never shoot rear-end shots.

Well, those are today’s little hunting secrets.