61 Days
4/23/07 10:51pm
OK it's rain turning to snow outside, I can't go turkey hunting cause of work But in 61 days I'll be back in Mexico Fishing again.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/IMG_0439.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/IMG_0361.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/IMG_0273.jpg " alt="" />
been a long winter!

been a long winter!
check out Punta Colorada there not a swim up bar but the peole are great , good food and great fishing.
And yes I like big Buts
And big ling
I try to take a fishing trip once a year to either Ak or Mexico. I decided not to buy a boat about 10 years ago so insted of making boat payments I take one good fishing trip a year.
I've never spent over 2k on a trip and as you can see we do OK.
Thats looks like a blast.
Best thing about my trips is I was paid to go. Kind of nice when the Navy pulls into various ports and you can partake of the local activities. I'm in WY visiting the inlaws but when I get back home will have to see if I can dig up some of the old fishing pics.