7mm vs 300 for Elk?
9/7/08 5:06pm
Currently I have a Remington 7mm rifle that I use for all my Big Game rifle hunting. However I may end up haveing a 300 in my possession in the next few months (not intime for my LE Elk hunt this week end :>/ to try out). My question is this, would it be worth keeping the 300 around for the few rifle elk hunts that I go on or is the 7mm more than enough? If I do end up with the 300 I have been tossing the idea around of selling it or trading it in for something else. Just thought I would get you guys oppinion. Thanks.
A well construced bullet with good shot placement is deadly period.
Add that to a person who shoots year round and knows the ballistics of their rifle and your just as deadly with a rifle your comfortable with as you are with a big Magnum.
Well, last year my dad cleaned out his gun safe and handed down a 300 WSM featherweight. I was a little concerned initially that I would have the same issues I had with the 30'06, but to my delight the recoil was not significantly worse than the 7mm...it has a very nice recoil pad on it and even though it is a featherweight it is still heavier than the '06. I killed a nice bull on the Wasatch last year and was very pleased with the performance. At 300 yards the 180 grain nosler partition broke both front shoulders and was under the hide on the opposite side.
Either caliber is a great all around big game rifle if you can manage the recoil. In my experience trigger pull is a big determinant of consistent shooting as well. To much creep are poundage and you'll begin anticipating the shot and your shooting will be eratic at best...at least in my case. I will probably carry the 300 when I anticipate hiking less and the 7mm when more hiking is in the plans.