His antlers sport an unprecedented outside spread of 80+ inches, which is around 10 inches wider than any elk ever measured by Boone and Crockett! Unfortunately, poachers killed this bull, estimated to be 12 years old and carrying even larger antlers, the very next year. I would crap my pants if i ever seen anything this big in the bush.

Video of this big guy.http://www.rmef.org/NR/rdonlyres/94E584A1-09EB-464D-98C9-C96EB6E247D8/0/PAElkfootage320Streamin.mov">http://www.rmef.org/NR/rdonlyres/94E584A1-09EB-464D-98C9-C96EB6E247D8/0/PAElkfootage320Streamin.mov
HOLY SMOKE!!! That boy is absolutely HUGE!!!!! How in the heck does he get through the trees with that rack?

When I first saw the still photo the first thing that came to mind was "PHOTOSHOP!"

Wapiti, was this big guy in Alberta and what's with the collar? Was the game department tracking him? I take it that he was NOT a penned bull since poachers took him?
Not from Alberta i wish. He was on state land in Pennsylvania a wild elk. Here is a picture of a couple of his sons they figure.
It sure looks like he passed on his specific genes/alleles to those future brutes!
I saw this story in the latest Bugle. Penn has alot of non-typicals for some reason.

CRAZY nuts, never seen anything like it. What's up with the collar?

Sure it's not a Fenced bull??

Cool none the less.
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Pa elk were transplanted from the west years ago. the only reason I can see for the number of non-typical is the fact that the feed in Pa is so much better.
I can't remmber the true numbers but in wyo you need something like 60 acers for 1 cow/calf unit in cattle and in Pa you only need 3 or 4.
they get a lot more water that us and the winters don't affect the elk there the way they do here.
That bull come from Jurassic park?Looks like an irish elk,long extinct.
holy crap my pants!
wow that is a big bull. i have a pic of a specific bull, but i don't think it is 80 friggen inches wide!

http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o12/hestonthegreat/0224071017.jpg" alt="" />
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This thing totally screams "ranch bull"! :>/
"skull krazy" wrote:This thing totally screams "ranch bull"! :>/
I thought the same thing, so I e-mailed RMEF, they said it was a free-range elk from Pa. There is a non-typical from Pa in the latest Hunting Illustrated that grosses around 450 I believe. The feed is unreal, they have little snow, and the bulls are allowed to reach peak antler growth because of very restrictive tag allotments.

While interesting to look at I would still prefer to take a good sized nice looking typical bull myself.
"skull krazy" wrote:This thing totally screams "ranch bull"! :>/
Buy the bugle mag. and you can read about it is not a ranch bull and why would you say that you don't think they can get that big in the wild.
"a_bow_nut" wrote:While interesting to look at I would still prefer to take a good sized nice looking typical bull myself.

I like typical bulls/bucks over the 'freak' antlered critters.

"a_bow_nut" wrote:While interesting to look at I would still prefer to take a good sized nice looking typical bull myself.
I'm with you on that one a perfect 6x6 but if i seen one like that i would hammer him.
Yeah I'm not saying that I would turn my nose up at him either. But if there was a nice typical standing beside him that was about the same size I'd plug it before I would the freak.

This is still a dandy of a bull by any means and I would be proud to harvest him if I had the chance.
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Not me my friends it better be a 350 typical bull standing next to it for me to even consider not launching a stick at that thing. Then Id set up my hammock in his spread and take a nap! And then I would call all the game ranches and clone experts and make millions!!!!! Sell the stories and pics. Retire on have a boat on st. chelles.

Sorry root canal this morning... /\/\/\ All hopped up!
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"Buy the bugle mag. and you can read about it is not a ranch bull and why would you say that you don't think they can get that big in the wild."

The reason i said this looks like a ranch bull is because it does, whether it is or not and i am very familiar with the looks of each breed. Bulls just don't natuarlly grow with this look, everyone knows that......but like in this case and whith proutdoor's reasearch into this, this bull is definately a "freak" that lives in the wild.
Here's you or anyone else a question.....What specie of elk is this, does anyone know? To me it kind of has a roosevelt look???
Rocky Mountain elk. I don't know if it is the genetics or feed/minerals or a combo of all of the above. I notice Arizona produces more non-typicals than a state like Utah for whatever reason. I would love to know why that is, since most elk in the lower 48 come from the same herd out of Wyoming a hundred years ago or so. I am guessing enviroment has a role in it as well. Freak for sure, Roosevelt nope. I'll take a big ol typical from Utah over this bull every day of the week and twice on opening day!

Almost looks like a tule.
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I totally agree pro, rockies are where it's at!!
Although having a chance at this bull on a hunt, one wuld be a fool too pass on it due too it's rarity, but too me it's definately not a very pretty bull by any means. :thumb

And yes, now that you mention it it does have the "Tule" look in the antlers.
The big head made me think Roosevelt.
I agree this bull is freak of nature he's non typical just like the non typical mule deer and non typical whitetails they are all freaks to. I am very familiar with all the species of elk to i've been reading about them and chasing them 35+ years whether he's a Tule or a Roosevelt ,Rocky Mountain or a Manitoban it really doesn't matter. I did some reseach and know they have been cross breeding Manitoban and Rocky Mountain to get a bigger animal to what end i don't know.
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Oh great, now we'll have to make a spot in the SCI books for a "Rockytoban" =D>