A beautiful COLD morning on the Marsh !!

Cody my son I went duck hunting again today. Weather was great for photos :thumb but not for hunting Ducks. :>/ Very COLD and clear at sunrise. Very few ducks flying around and we only got one shot each and we missed. Ordered a pair of insulated neoprene waders from Cabala's as soon as I returned home. My fly fishing waders just DID NOT CUT IT. :>/ I almost froze to Death!! :>/ But I still had a great time with my son enjoying the view and friendship. :thumb

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/Duck%20Hunting/DSCN0002-1.jpg" alt="" />
great pic.

Nice pic, one of these days you're bound to get into the ducks thick and heavy.
Great pic Rob! Let's hope the ducks start to cooperate.
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I am dropping Cody of before sunrise to hunt again and will return around 2:30 and hunt for the evening. Until I get my new waders In will only hunt in the afternoon. :-k That thin layer of neoprene on pare of socks is not enough insulation . I had a 1/4 of ice on my wet boots and thought my toes would fall off. After the sun came up I took the wet boots off and let the sun hit the black neoprene booties and I could see the steam coming off them . Oooo that felt so good !! :thumb Can't wait for my new insulated waders.!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb :thumb
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Wow. That same sopt would be great to take pictures of ducks landing and taking off. Great sopt!
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Well I went back and joined Cody for a few hrs of duck hunting .
Cody was able to get one and I got 3 ducks. We had a flock of ducks drop out of the sky and land right in the middle of the decoys. We never saw them coming. We were hiding behind some cattails and talking when we heard the sound of them landing in the water. We got 3 out of 4 shots.

They can be some crafty little buggers. We've learned to watch the refections in the water also if it is calm. There are times that this is the only way to see them coming in when they drop in front of the reeds and don't stand ouut so well.

Glad to hear that you are starting to pick some up from time to time. There is something about watching them come in with their wings cupped and their feet down that sends me to one step away from "You ain't got no legs Lt. Dan." :huh so that I miss most of the time. It's those few seconds of total adreneline that keeps me coming back every year.
Nice job guys, glad you finally got a few to come in and 3 for 4 is pretty good shooting in my book. :)
great pic what kind of camera is that
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I have a Nikon CoolPix 4 MP.